Luiz Renato Fontes
Cited by
Cited by
The Brownian web: characterization and convergence
LRG Fontes, M Isopi, CM Newman, K Ravishankar
Stretched exponential fixation in stochastic Ising models at zero temperature
LR Fontes, RH Schonmann, V Sidoravicius
Communications in mathematical physics 228, 495-518, 2002
Random walks with strongly inhomogeneous rates and singular diffusions: convergence, localization and aging in one dimension
LRG Fontes, M Isopi, CM Newman
The Annals of Probability 30 (2), 579-604, 2002
On symmetric random walks with random conductances on ℤd
LRG Fontes, P Mathieu
Probability theory and related fields 134 (4), 565-602, 2006
Two-dimensional Poisson trees converge to the Brownian web
PA Ferrari, LRG Fontes, XY Wu
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics 41 (5 …, 2005
Fluctuations of a surface submitted to a random average process
PA Ferrari, L Fontes
The scaling limit geometry of near-critical 2D percolation
F Camia, LRG Fontes, CM Newman
Journal of statistical physics 125, 1155-1171, 2006
The brownian web
LRG Fontes, M Isopi, CM Newman, K Ravishankar
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (25), 15888-15893, 2002
Chaotic time dependence in a disordered spin system
LRG Fontes, M Isopi, CM Newman
Probability theory and related fields 115, 417-443, 1999
Two-dimensional scaling limits via marked nonsimple loops
F Camia, LRG Fontes, CM Newman
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society 37, 537-559, 2006
The spectral gap of the REM under Metropolis dynamics
LRG Fontes, M Isopi, Y Kohayakawa, P Picco
Annals of Applied Probability, 917-943, 1998
The critical probability for the frog model is not a monotonic function of the graph
LR Fontes, FP Machado, A Sarkar
Journal of applied probability 41 (1), 292-298, 2004
K-processes, scaling limit and aging for the trap model in the complete graph
LRG Fontes, P Mathieu
The net output process of a system with infinitely many queues
PA Ferrari, LRG Fontes
The Annals of Applied Probability 4 (4), 1129-1144, 1994
On the dynamics of trap models in ℤd
LRG Fontes, P Mathieu
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 108 (6), 1562-1592, 2014
On an epidemic model on finite graphs
I Benjamini, LR Fontes, J Hermon, FP Machado
On the averaged dynamics of the random field Curie-Weiss model
LR Fontes, P Mathieu, P Picco
The Annals of Applied Probability 10 (4), 1212-1245, 2000
The asymmetric simple exclusion model with multiple shocks
PA Ferrari, LRG Fontes, ME Vares
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics 36 (2 …, 2000
Threshold θ≥ 2 contact processes on homogeneous trees
LR Fontes, RH Schonmann
Probability theory and related fields 141 (3), 513-541, 2008
The full Brownian web as scaling limit of stochastic flows
LR Fontes, CM Newman
Stochastics and Dynamics 6 (02), 213-228, 2006
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Articles 1–20