Santiago De la Puente
Cited by
Cited by
Pollution, habitat loss, fishing, and climate change as critical threats to penguins
PN Trathan, P García‐Borboroglu, D Boersma, CA Bost, RJM Crawford, ...
Conservation Biology 29 (1), 31-41, 2015
Valuing seafood: The Peruvian fisheries sector
V Christensen, S De la Puente, JC Sueiro, J Steenbeek, P Majluf
Marine Policy 44, 302-311, 2014
WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies
UR Sumaila, DJ Skerritt, A Schuhbauer, S Villasante, ...
Science 374 (6567), 544-544, 2021
Growing into poverty: Reconstructing Peruvian small-scale fishing effort between 1950 and 2018
S De la Puente, R López de la Lama, S Benavente, JC Sueiro, D Pauly
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 681, 2020
The little fish that can feed the world
P Majluf, S De la Puente, V Christensen
Fish and Fisheries 18 (4), 772-777, 2017
Attitudes and misconceptions towards sharks and shark meat consumption along the Peruvian coast
R López de la Lama, S De la Puente, JC Riveros
PloS one 13 (8), e0202971, 2018
Humboldt Penguin
S De la Puente, A Bussalleu, M Cardeña, A Valdés-Velásquez, P Majluf, ...
Penguins—Natural History and Conservation. University of Washington Press …, 2013
La pesqueria Peruana de anchoveta: Evaluacion de los sistemas de gestión pesquera en el marco de la certificacion a cargo del marine stewardship council.
O De La Puente, JC Sueiro, C Heck, G Soldi, S De La Puente
Centro para la Sostenibilidad Ambiental de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano …, 2011
Towards cleaner shores: Assessing the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup's most recent data on volunteer engagement and litter removal along the coast of British Columbia, Canada
C Konecny, V Fladmark, S De la Puente
Marine Pollution Bulletin 135, 411-417, 2018
Situación actual de la pesquería de la pota (Dosidicus gigas) en el Perú y recomendaciones para su mejora
CE Paredes, S de la Puente
Investigaciones, 2013
Assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the blood of Humboldt Penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) from the Punta …
MJ Adkesson, JM Levengood, JW Scott, DJ Schaeffer, JN Langan, ...
Journal of wildlife diseases 54 (2), 304-314, 2018
La pesca artesanal en el Perú: Diagnóstico de la actividad pesquera artesanal peruana
JC Sueiro, S De la Puente
Consultoría realizada para Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la …, 2013
Reconnecting with the past and anticipating the future: A review of fisheries‐derived cultural ecosystem services in pre‐Hispanic Peru
R López de la Lama, S de la Puente, JC Sueiro, KMA Chan
People and Nature, 2020
Towards gender inclusivity and equality in small-scale fisheries
S Harper, D Kleiber, S Appiah, M Atkins, K Bradford, A Choudhury, ...
FAO; Duke University; WorldFish, 2023
Adoption of sustainable low-impact fishing practices is not enough to secure sustainable livelihoods and social wellbeing in small-scale fishing communities
S De la Puente, R López de la Lama, C Llerena-Cayo, BR Martínez, ...
Marine Policy 146, 105321, 2022
Bringing sustainable seafood back to the table: Exploring chefs’ knowledge, attitudes and practices in Peru
RL De La Lama, S De La Puente, A Valdés-Velásquez
Oryx 54 (4), 520-528, 2020
Establishing company level fishing revenue and profit losses from fisheries: A bottom-up approach
T Cashion, S de la Puente, D Belhabib, D Pauly, D Zeller, UR Sumaila
Plos one 13 (11), e0207768, 2018
Estimación del Valor Económico Total (VET) de los bienes y servicios ecosistémicos del Gran Ecosistema Marino de la Corriente de Humboldt (GEMCH)
H Salgado, C González, JC Sueiro, S de la Puente
Proyecto GEF-PNUD Humboldt 127, 2015
Desafiando la tradición de país harinero: Una mirada económica de la actividad pesquera de Piura, Perú
R Gozzer-Wuest, JC Sueiro, J Grillo-Núñez, S De la Puente, M Correa, ...
Marine and Fishery Sciences (MAFIS) 35 (2), 255-274, 2022
Industrial fisheries in Latin America: Challenges and lessons from Chile, Mexico and Peru
S de la Puente, R López de la Lama
Marine and Fisheries Policies in Latin America: A Comparison of Selected …, 2019
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Articles 1–20