Birkhoff normal forms in semi-classical inverse problems A Iantchenko, J Sjöstrand, M Zworski arXiv preprint math/0201190, 2002 | 76 | 2002 |
Resonances for 1D massless Dirac operators A Iantchenko, E Korotyaev Journal of Differential Equations 256 (8), 3038-3066, 2014 | 32 | 2014 |
Resonances for Dirac operators on the half-line A Iantchenko, E Korotyaev Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 420 (1), 279-313, 2014 | 29 | 2014 |
Birkhoff normal forms for Fourier integral operators II A Iantchenko, J Sjöstrand American Journal of Mathematics 124 (4), 817-850, 2002 | 29 | 2002 |
Proof of a conjecture about atomic and molecular cores related to Scott's correction. H Siedentop, A Iantchenko, EH Lieb Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 1996 (472), 177-196, 1996 | 28 | 1996 |
Rayleigh surface waves in functionally graded materials—long-wave limit I Argatov, A Iantchenko The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 72 (2), 197-211, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
Periodic Jacobi operator with finitely supported perturbation on the half-lattice A Iantchenko, E Korotyaev Inverse Problems 27 (11), 115003, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
How to define the storage and loss moduli for a rheologically nonlinear material? A constructive review of nonlinear rheological measures I Argatov, A Iantchenko, V Kocherbitov Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 29, 1375-1387, 2017 | 17 | 2017 |
Semiclassical analysis of elastic surface waves M de Hoop, A Iantchenko, G Nakamura, J Zhai arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.06521, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Periodic Jacobi operator with finitely supported perturbations A Iantchenko, E Korotyaev arXiv preprint arXiv:1006.1538, 2010 | 16 | 2010 |
La forme normale de Birkhoff pour un opérateur intégral de Fourier A Iantchenko Asymptotic Analysis 17 (1), 71-92, 1998 | 12 | 1998 |
Periodic Jacobi operator with finitely supported perturbations: the inverse resonance problem A Iantchenko, E Korotyaev Journal of Differential Equations 252 (3), 2823-2844, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |
Schrödinger operator on the zigzag half-nanotube in magnetic field A Iantchenko, E Korotyaev Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 5 (4), 175-197, 2010 | 11 | 2010 |
Quasi-normal modes for Dirac fields in the Kerr–Newman–de Sitter black holes A Iantchenko Analysis and Applications 16 (04), 449-524, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Quasi-normal modes for de Sitter-Reissner-Nordstr\" om Black Holes A Iantchenko arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.3654, 2014 | 10 | 2014 |
Resonance spectrum for one-dimensional layered media A Iantchenko Applicable Analysis 85 (11), 1383-1410, 2006 | 10 | 2006 |
Asymptotic behavior of the one-particle density matrix of atoms at distances from the nucleus A Iantchenko, H Siedentop Mathematische Zeitschrift 236, 787-796, 2001 | 10 | 2001 |
A simple mathematical model for the resonance frequency analysis of dental implant stability: Implant clamping quotient I Argatov, A Iantchenko Mechanics Research Communications 95, 67-70, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Resonances for the radial Dirac operators A Iantchenko, E Korotyaev Asymptotic Analysis 93 (4), 327-370, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Inverse problem for the Rayleigh system with spectral data MV de Hoop, A Iantchenko Journal of Mathematical Physics 63 (3), 2022 | 8 | 2022 |