Denise Sloan
Denise Sloan
VA National Center for PTSD and Boston University School of Medicine
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The Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM–5 (CAPS-5): Development and initial psychometric evaluation in military veterans.
FW Weathers, MJ Bovin, DJ Lee, DM Sloan, PP Schnurr, DG Kaloupek, ...
Psychological assessment 30 (3), 383, 2018
Emotion regulation and psychopathology: A transdiagnostic approach to etiology and treatment
AM Kring
Guilford Press, 2009
Taking pen to hand: evaluating theories underlying the written disclosure paradigm.
DM Sloan, BP Marx
Clinical psychology: Science and practice 11 (2), 121, 2004
Peritraumatic dissociation and experiential avoidance as predictors of posttraumatic stress symptomatology
BP Marx, DM Sloan
Behaviour research and therapy 43 (5), 569-583, 2005
Critical analysis of the current treatment guidelines for complex PTSD in adults
AD De Jongh, PA Resick, LA Zoellner, A Van Minnen, CW Lee, ...
Depression and anxiety 33 (5), 359-369, 2016
Is life stress more traumatic than traumatic stress?
SD Gold, BP Marx, JM Soler-Baillo, DM Sloan
Journal of anxiety disorders 19 (6), 687-698, 2005
A closer examination of the structured written disclosure procedure.
DM Sloan, BP Marx
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 72 (2), 165, 2004
Diminished response to pleasant stimuli by depressed women.
DM Sloan, ME Strauss, KL Wisner
Journal of abnormal psychology 110 (3), 488, 2001
Emotion regulation in action: Emotional reactivity in experiential avoidance
DM Sloan
Behaviour research and therapy 42 (11), 1257-1270, 2004
Further examination of the exposure model underlying the efficacy of written emotional disclosure.
DM Sloan, BP Marx, EM Epstein
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 73 (3), 549, 2005
The role of emotion in the psychological functioning of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse
BP Marx, DM Sloan
Behavior Therapy 33 (4), 563-577, 2002
A brief exposure-based treatment vs cognitive processing therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: A randomized noninferiority clinical trial
DM Sloan, BP Marx, DJ Lee, PA Resick
JAMA psychiatry 75 (3), 233-239, 2018
Subjective and expressive emotional responses in depression
DM Sloan, ME Strauss, SW Quirk, M Sajatovic
Journal of affective disorders 46 (2), 135-141, 1997
The facial expression coding system (FACES): Development, validation, and utility.
AM Kring, DM Sloan
Psychological assessment 19 (2), 210, 2007
Efficacy of group treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms: a meta-analysis.
DM Sloan, BA Feinstein, MW Gallagher, JG Beck, TM Keane
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 5 (2), 176, 2013
Measuring changes in emotion during psychotherapy: Conceptual and methodological issues.
DM Sloan, AM Kring
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 14 (4), 307, 2007
Expressive writing buffers against maladaptive rumination.
DM Sloan, BP Marx, EM Epstein, JL Dobbs
Emotion 8 (2), 302, 2008
Written exposure as an intervention for PTSD: A randomized clinical trial with motor vehicle accident survivors
DM Sloan, BP Marx, MJ Bovin, BA Feinstein, MW Gallagher
Behaviour research and therapy 50 (10), 627-635, 2012
Written exposure therapy for PTSD: A brief treatment approach for mental health professionals.
DM Sloan, BP Marx
American Psychological Association, 2019
Emotional granularity and borderline personality disorder.
MK Suvak, BT Litz, DM Sloan, MC Zanarini, LF Barrett, SG Hofmann
Journal of abnormal psychology 120 (2), 414, 2011
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Articles 1–20