Ben Kunsberg
Cited by
Cited by
Colour, contours, shading and shape: flow interactions reveal anchor neighbourhoods
B Kunsberg, D Holtmann-Rice, E Alexander, S Cholewiak, R Fleming, ...
Interface focus 8 (4), 20180019, 2018
Critical contours: An invariant linking image flow with salient surface organization
B Kunsberg, SW Zucker
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 11 (3), 1849-1877, 2018
How shading constrains surface patches without knowledge of light sources
B Kunsberg, SW Zucker
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 7 (2), 641-668, 2014
From boundaries to bumps: when closed (extremal) contours are critical
B Kunsberg, SW Zucker
Journal of Vision 21 (13), 7-7, 2021
Tensors, differential geometry and statistical shading analysis
DN Holtmann-Rice, BS Kunsberg, SW Zucker
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 60, 968-992, 2018
Characterizing ambiguity in light source invariant shape from shading
B Kunsberg, SW Zucker
arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.5480, 2013
Model cortical association fields account for the time course and dependence on target complexity of human contour perception
V Gintautas, MI Ham, B Kunsberg, S Barr, SP Brumby, C Rasmussen, ...
PLoS Computational Biology 7 (10), e1002162, 2011
The differential geometry of shape from shading: Biology reveals curvature structure
B Kunsberg, SW Zucker
2012 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2012
Why shading matters along contours
B Kunsberg, SW Zucker
Neuromathematics of vision, 107-129, 2014
Shape-from-shading and cortical computation: A new formulation
B Kunsberg, S Zucker
Journal of Vision 12 (9), 233-233, 2012
Distinguishing between texture and shading flows for 3D shape estimation
S Cholewiak, R Vergne, B Kunsberg, S Zucker, R Fleming
Journal of vision 15 (12), 965-965, 2015
Predicting 3D shape perception from shading and texture flows
SA Cholewiak, B Kunsberg, S Zucker, RW Fleming
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 1113-1113, 2014
What’s In A Patch, II: Visualizing generic surfaces
B Kunsberg, D Holtman-Rice, SW Zucker
ArXiv e-prints, 2017
Differential Photometric Consistency
H Fan, B Kunsberg, B Kimia
2020 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 130-139, 2020
From borders to bumps: Circular flows are invariant across materials
S Zucker, B Kunsberg
PERCEPTION 48, 69-69, 2019
Critical contours link surface inferences with image flows
B Kunsberg, S Zucker
Journal of Vision 17 (10), 319-319, 2017
Appearance controls interpretation of orientation flows for 3D shape estimation
S Cholewiak, R Vergne, B Kunsberg, S Zucker, RW Fleming
Computational and Mathematical Models in Vision, 2015
An improved model for contour completion in V1 using learned feature correlation statistics
V Gintautas, B Kunsberg, M Ham, S Barr, S Zucker, S Brumby, ...
J. Vis 10 (1162.10), 1167, 2010
3D Shape Perception, Models of
B Kunsberg, SW Zucker
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, 3091-3103, 2022
Integrating Color, Contours, Shading, and Texture: When Does Covariation Matter?
S Zucker, B Kunsberg
PERCEPTION 48, 174-174, 2019
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Articles 1–20