David B. Knoester
Cited by
Cited by
Identifying structural variation in haploid microbial genomes from short-read resequencing data using breseq
JE Barrick, G Colburn, DE Deatherage, CC Traverse, MD Strand, ...
BMC genomics 15, 1-17, 2014
Predator confusion is sufficient to evolve swarming behaviour
RS Olson, A Hintze, FC Dyer, DB Knoester, C Adami
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 10 (85), 20130305, 2013
Applying genetic algorithms to decision making in autonomic computing systems
AJ Ramirez, DB Knoester, BHC Cheng, PK McKinley
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Autonomic computing, 97-106, 2009
The evolutionary origin of somatic cells under the dirty work hypothesis
HJ Goldsby, DB Knoester, C Ofria, B Kerr
PLoS biology 12 (5), e1001858, 2014
Automatically exploring how uncertainty impacts behavior of dynamically adaptive systems
AJ Ramirez, AC Jensen, BHC Cheng, DB Knoester
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software …, 2011
Markov brains: A technical introduction
A Hintze, JA Edlund, RS Olson, DB Knoester, J Schossau, L Albantakis, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.05601, 2017
Evolution of swarming behavior is shaped by how predators attack
RS Olson, DB Knoester, C Adami
Artificial life 22 (3), 299-318, 2016
Harnessing digital evolution
P McKinley, BHC Cheng, C Ofria, D Knoester, B Beckmann, H Goldsby
Computer 41 (1), 54-63, 2008
Plato: a genetic algorithm approach to run-time reconfiguration in autonomic computing systems
AJ Ramirez, DB Knoester, BHC Cheng, PK McKinley
Journal of Cluster Computing 14 (3), 2011
Digital evolution of behavioral models for autonomic systems
HJ Goldsby, BHC Cheng, PK McKinley, DB Knoester, CA Ofria
2008 International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 87-96, 2008
Using group selection to evolve leadership in populations of self-replicating digital organisms
DB Knoester, PK McKinley, CA Ofria
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2007
Digitally evolving models for dynamically adaptive systems
HJ Goldsby, DB Knoester, BHC Cheng, PK McKinley, CA Ofria
International Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self …, 2007
Critical interplay between density-dependent predation and evolution of the selfish herd
RS Olson, DB Knoester, C Adami
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2013
Evolution of resistance to quorum quenching in digital organisms
BE Beckmann, DB Knoester, BD Connelly, CM Waters, PK McKinley
Artificial life 18 (3), 291-310, 2012
Cooperative network construction using digital germlines
DB Knoester, PK McKinley, C Ofria
Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2008
Evolution of an artificial visual cortex for image recognition
SD Chapman, DB Knoester, A Hintze, C Adami
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL), 2013
Directed evolution of communication and cooperation in digital organisms
DB Knoester, PK McKinley, B Beckmann, C Ofria
Advances in Artificial Life: 9th European Conference, ECAL 2007, Lisbon …, 2007
The effect of conflicting pressures on the evolution of division of labor
HJ Goldsby, DB Knoester, B Kerr, C Ofria
PloS one 9 (8), e102713, 2014
Evolution of division of labor in genetically homogenous groups
HJ Goldsby, DB Knoester, C Ofria
Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2010
Neuroevolution of mobile ad hoc networks
DB Knoester, HJ Goldsby, PK McKinley
Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2010
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Articles 1–20