Rose S Kantor
Cited by
Cited by
Clades of huge phages from across Earth’s ecosystems
B Al-Shayeb, R Sachdeva, LX Chen, F Ward, P Munk, A Devoto, ...
Nature 578 (7795), 425-431, 2020
Expanded diversity of microbial groups that shape the dissimilatory sulfur cycle
K Anantharaman, B Hausmann, SP Jungbluth, RS Kantor, A Lavy, ...
The ISME journal 12 (7), 1715-1728, 2018
Genome sequencing of sewage detects regionally prevalent SARS-CoV-2 variants
A Crits-Christoph, RS Kantor, MR Olm, ON Whitney, B Al-Shayeb, YC Lou, ...
MBio 12 (1), 10.1128/mbio. 02703-20, 2021
Small genomes and sparse metabolisms of sediment-associated bacteria from four candidate phyla
RS Kantor, KC Wrighton, KM Handley, I Sharon, LA Hug, CJ Castelle, ...
MBio 4 (5), 10.1128/mbio. 00708-13, 2013
Challenges in measuring the recovery of SARS-CoV-2 from wastewater
RS Kantor, KL Nelson, HD Greenwald, LC Kennedy
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (6), 3514-3519, 2021
Bioreactor microbial ecosystems for thiocyanate and cyanide degradation unravelled with genome‐resolved metagenomics
RS Kantor, AW van Zyl, RP van Hille, BC Thomas, STL Harrison, ...
Environmental microbiology 17 (12), 4929-4941, 2015
Novel microbial diversity and functional potential in the marine mammal oral microbiome
NK Dudek, CL Sun, D Burstein, RS Kantor, DSA Goltsman, EM Bik, ...
Current Biology 27 (24), 3752-3762. e6, 2017
Tools for interpretation of wastewater SARS-CoV-2 temporal and spatial trends demonstrated with data collected in the San Francisco Bay Area
HD Greenwald, LC Kennedy, A Hinkle, ON Whitney, VB Fan, ...
Water research X 12, 100111, 2021
Sewage, salt, silica, and SARS-CoV-2 (4S): an economical kit-free method for direct capture of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from wastewater
ON Whitney, LC Kennedy, VB Fan, A Hinkle, R Kantor, H Greenwald, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (8), 4880-4888, 2021
SARS-CoV-2 RNA is enriched by orders of magnitude in primary settled solids relative to liquid wastewater at publicly owned treatment works
S Kim, LC Kennedy, MK Wolfe, CS Criddle, DH Duong, A Topol, BJ White, ...
Environmental science: water research & technology 8 (4), 757-770, 2022
Genome-resolved meta-omics ties microbial dynamics to process performance in biotechnology for thiocyanate degradation
RS Kantor, RJ Huddy, R Iyer, BC Thomas, CT Brown, K Anantharaman, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (5), 2944-2953, 2017
Standardizing data reporting in the research community to enhance the utility of open data for SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance
JS McClary-Gutierrez, ZT Aanderud, M Al-Faliti, C Duvallet, R Gonzalez, ...
Environmental science: water research & technology 7 (9), 1545-1551, 2021
Hydrogen-based metabolism as an ancestral trait in lineages sibling to the Cyanobacteria
PB Matheus Carnevali, F Schulz, CJ Castelle, RS Kantor, PM Shih, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 463, 2019
Response of soil microbial activity to grazing, nitrogen deposition, and exotic cover in a serpentine grassland
EH Esch, DL Hernández, JR Pasari, RSG Kantor, PC Selmants
Plant and Soil 366, 671-682, 2013
Genetic diversity and evolutionary convergence of cryptic SARS-CoV-2 lineages detected via wastewater sequencing
DA Gregory, M Trujillo, C Rushford, A Flury, S Kannoly, KM San, ...
PLoS Pathogens 18 (10), e1010636, 2022
The water microbiome through a pilot scale advanced treatment facility for direct potable reuse
RS Kantor, SE Miller, KL Nelson
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 993, 2019
Disturbed subsurface microbial communities follow equivalent trajectories despite different structural starting points
KM Handley, KC Wrighton, CS Miller, MJ Wilkins, RS Kantor, BC Thomas, ...
Environmental microbiology 17 (3), 622-636, 2015
Genome‐resolved metagenomics of a bioremediation system for degradation of thiocyanate in mine water containing suspended solid tailings
SF Rahman, RS Kantor, R Huddy, BC Thomas, AW van Zyl, STL Harrison, ...
MicrobiologyOpen 6 (3), e00446, 2017
Small genomes and sparse metabolisms of sediment-associated bacteria from four candidate phyla. mBio 4: e00708-13
RS Kantor, KC Wrighton, KM Handley, I Sharon, LA Hug, CJ Castelle, ...
Operationalizing a routine wastewater monitoring laboratory for SARS-CoV-2
RS Kantor, HD Greenwald, LC Kennedy, A Hinkle, S Harris-Lovett, ...
PLoS Water 1 (2), e0000007, 2022
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Articles 1–20