Evangelos Coutsias
Evangelos Coutsias
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Stony Brook University
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Cited by
Sub-angstrom accuracy in protein loop reconstruction by robotics-inspired conformational sampling
DJ Mandell, EA Coutsias, T Kortemme
Nature methods 6 (8), 551-552, 2009
Using quaternions to calculate RMSD
EA Coutsias, C Seok, KA Dill
Journal of computational chemistry 25 (15), 1849-1857, 2004
Accurate de novo design of hyperstable constrained peptides
G Bhardwaj, VK Mulligan, CD Bahl, JM Gilmore, PJ Harvey, O Cheneval, ...
Nature, 2016
A kinematic view of loop closure
EA Coutsias, C Seok, MP Jacobson, KA Dill
Journal of computational chemistry 25 (4), 510-528, 2004
Protein loop modeling by using fragment assembly and analytical loop closure
J Lee, D Lee, H Park, EA Coutsias, C Seok
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 78 (16), 3428-3436, 2010
An efficient spectral method for ordinary differential equations with rational function coefficients
E Coutsias, T Hagstrom, D Torres
Mathematics of Computation 65 (214), 611-635, 1996
Topology of cyclo-octane energy landscape
S Martin, A Thompson, EA Coutsias, JP Watson
The journal of chemical physics 132 (23), 2010
The FALC-Loop web server for protein loop modeling
J Ko, D Lee, H Park, EA Coutsias, J Lee, C Seok
Nucleic acids research 39 (suppl_2), W210-W214, 2011
The flexibility in the proline ring couples to the protein backbone
BK Ho, EA Coutsias, C Seok, KA Dill
Protein Science 14 (4), 1011-1018, 2005
Algorithmic dimensionality reduction for molecular structure analysis
WM Brown, S Martin, SN Pollock, EA Coutsias, JP Watson
The Journal of chemical physics 129 (6), 2008
Virtual cathode oscillator (vircator) theory
DJ Sullivan, JE Walsh, EA Coutsias
High power microwave sources, Ch. 13, V. L. Granatstein and I. Alexeff, eds …, 1987
Resultants and loop closure
EA Coutsias, C Seok, MJ Wester, KA Dill
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 106 (1), 176-189, 2006
Exhaustive conformational sampling of complex fused ring macrocycles using inverse kinematics
EA Coutsias, KW Lexa, MJ Wester, SN Pollock, MP Jacobson
Journal of chemical theory and computation 12 (9), 4674-4687, 2016
RMSD and Symmetry
EA Coutsias, MJ Wester
Journal of computational chemistry 40 (15), 1496-1508, 2019
Integration preconditioners for differential operators in spectral-methods
EA Coutsias, T Hagstrom, JS Hesthaven, D Torres
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Spectral and High Order …, 1996
The quaternions with an application to rigid body dynamics
EA Coutsias, L Romero
Sandia National Laboraties, 2004
Light harvesting for rapid and selective reactions: click chemistry with strain-loadable alkenes
K Singh, CJ Fennell, EA Coutsias, R Latifi, S Hartson, JD Weaver
Chem 4 (1), 124-137, 2018
Two-dimensional turbulence in square and circular domains with no-slip walls
HJH Clercx, AH Nielsen, DJ Torres, EA Coutsias
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 20 (4), 557-576, 2001
Scaffold topologies. 2. Analysis of chemical databases
MJ Wester, SN Pollock, EA Coutsias, TK Allu, S Muresan, TI Oprea
Journal of chemical information and modeling 48 (7), 1311-1324, 2008
Space-charge-limit instabilities in electron beams
EA Coutsias, DJ Sullivan
Physical Review A 27 (3), 1535, 1983
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Articles 1–20