ioanna ioannou
ioanna ioannou
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Guidelines for the empirical vulnerability assessment
T Rossetto, I Ioannou, DN Grant, T Maqsood
GEM Foundation, 2014
Existing empirical fragility and vulnerability functions: compendium and guide for selection
T Rossetto, I Ioannou, DN Grant
Global Earthquake Model Foundation, 2015
The global earthquake model physical vulnerability database
C Yepes-Estrada, V Silva, T Rossetto, D D'Ayala, I Ioannou, A Meslem, ...
Earthquake Spectra 32 (4), 2567-2585, 2016
Empirical fragility assessment of buildings affected by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami using improved statistical models
I Charvet, I Ioannou, T Rossetto, A Suppasri, F Imamura
Natural Hazards 73, 951-973, 2014
Evaluation of existing fragility curves
T Rossetto, D D’Ayala, I Ioannou, A Meslem
SYNER-G: Typology Definition and Fragility Functions for Physical Elements …, 2014
A proposed methodology for deriving tsunami fragility functions for buildings using optimum intensity measures
J Macabuag, T Rossetto, I Ioannou, A Suppasri, D Sugawara, B Adriano, ...
Natural Hazards 84, 1257-1285, 2016
Existing empirical fragility and vulnerability relationships: compendium and guide for selection
T Rossetto, I Ioannou, DN Grant
GEM Foundation, Pavia, 2013
Assessing the impact of ground-motion variability and uncertainty on empirical fragility curves
I Ioannou, J Douglas, T Rossetto
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 69, 83-92, 2015
Fragility functions for a reinforced concrete structure subjected to earthquake and tsunami in sequence
C Petrone, T Rossetto, M Baiguera, C De la Barra Bustamante, I Ioannou
Engineering Structures 205, 110120, 2020
Expert judgment-based fragility assessment of reinforced concrete buildings exposed to fire
I Ioannou, W Aspinall, D Rush, L Bisby, T Rossetto
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 167, 105-127, 2017
The 29th May 2012 Emilia Romagna Earthquake
I Ioannou, RC Borg, V Novelli, J Melo, D Alexander, I Kongar, E Verrucci, ...
EPICentre, 2012
Global vulnerability estimation methods for the Global Earthquake Model
KA Porter, K Farokhnia, IH Cho, T Rossetto, I Ioannou, D Grant, K Jaiswal, ...
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-28, 2012
Surface and passive/active air mould sampling: A testing exercise in a North London housing estate
YD Aktas, I Ioannou, H Altamirano, M Reeslev, D D'Ayala, N May, ...
Science of the total environment 643, 1631-1643, 2018
Seismic vulnerability functions for Australian buildings by using GEM empirical vulnerability assessment guidelines
T Maqsood, M Edwards, I Ioannou, I Kosmidis, T Rossetto, N Corby
Natural Hazards 80, 1625-1650, 2016
Use of regression analysis for the construction of empirical fragility curves
I Ioannou, T Rossetto, DN Grant
Proceedings of the 15th world conference on earthquake engineering, September, 2012
Cyclic behaviour of as-built and strengthened existing reinforced concrete columns previously damaged by fire
J Melo, Z Triantafyllidis, D Rush, L Bisby, T Rossetto, A Aręde, H Varum, ...
Engineering Structures 266, 114584, 2022
Characteristics of building fragility curves for seismic and non-seismic tsunamis: case studies of the 2018 Sunda Strait, 2018 Sulawesi–Palu, and 2004 Indian Ocean tsunamis
E Lahcene, I Ioannou, A Suppasri, K Pakoksung, R Paulik, S Syamsidik, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 21 (8), 2313-2344, 2021
Effects of anatomical variation on trainee performance in a virtual reality temporal bone surgery simulator
P Piromchai, I Ioannou, S Wijewickrema, P Kasemsiri, J Lodge, ...
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 131 (S1), S29-S35, 2017
Guidelines for Empirical Vulnerability Assessment Report produced in the context of the Vulnerability Global Component project
T Rossetto, I Ioannou, DN Grant, T Maqsood
Pavia, Italy, 2014
Empirical fragility curves: the effect of uncertainty in ground motion intensity
I Ioannou, RE Chandler, T Rossetto
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 129, 105908, 2020
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Articles 1–20