Renzo Piva
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Cited by
DNS of wall turbulence: dilute polymers and self-sustaining mechanisms
E De Angelis, CM Casciola, R Piva
Computers & fluids 31 (4-7), 495-507, 2002
High amplitude vortex-induced pulsations in a gas transport system
PC Kriesels, M Peters, A Hirschberg, APJ Wijnands, A Iafrati, G Riccardi, ...
Journal of Sound and Vibration 184 (2), 343-368, 1995
Energy cascade and spatial fluxes in wall turbulence
N Marati, CM Casciola, R Piva
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 521, 191-215, 2004
Intermittency and structure functions in channel flow turbulence
F Toschi, G Amati, S Succi, R Benzi, R Piva
Physical review letters 82 (25), 5044, 1999
Massively parallel lattice-Boltzmann simulation of turbulent channel flow
G Amati, S Succi, R Piva
International Journal of Modern Physics C 8 (04), 869-877, 1997
Homogeneous isotropic turbulence in dilute polymers
E DE ANGELIS, CM Casciola, R Benzi, R Piva
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 531, 1-10, 2005
Drag reduction by microbubbles in a turbulent boundary layer
B Jacob, A Olivieri, M Miozzi, EF Campana, R Piva
Physics of Fluids 22 (11), 2010
Scale-by-scale budget and similarity laws for shear turbulence
CM Casciola, P Gualtieri, R Benzi, R Piva
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 476, 105-114, 2003
Two-way coupling effects in dilute gas-particle flows
M Di Giacinto, F Sabetta, R Piva
Thermocapillary convection in a rectangular cavity: asymptotic theory and numerical simulation
M Strani, R Piva, G Graziani
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 130, 347-376, 1983
Scaling laws and intermittency in homogeneous shear flow
P Gualtieri, CM Casciola, R Benzi, G Amati, R Piva
Physics of Fluids 14 (2), 583-596, 2002
Drag reduction by polymers in turbulent channel flows: Energy redistribution between invariant empirical modes
E De Angelis, CM Casciola, VS L’vov, R Piva, I Procaccia
Physical Review E 67 (5), 056312, 2003
Intermittency and scaling laws for wall bounded turbulence
R Benzi, G Amati, CM Casciola, F Toschi, R Piva
Physics of fluids 11 (6), 1284-1286, 1999
Scaling properties in the production range of shear dominated flows
CM Casciola, P Gualtieri, B Jacob, R Piva
Physical review letters 95 (2), 024503, 2005
The residual anisotropy at small scales in high shear turbulence
CM Casciola, P Gualtieri, B Jacob, R Piva
Physics of Fluids 19 (10), 2007
Molecular dynamics simulation of ratchet motion in an asymmetric nanochannel
M Chinappi, E De Angelis, S Melchionna, CM Casciola, S Succi, R Piva
Physical review letters 97 (14), 144509, 2006
Vector Green's function method for unsteady Navier-Stokes equations
R Piva, L Morino
Meccanica 22, 76-85, 1987
Reynolds number effects on scale energy balance in wall turbulence
N Saikrishnan, E De Angelis, EK Longmire, I Marusic, CM Casciola, ...
Physics of Fluids 24 (1), 2012
Preservation of statistical properties in large-eddy simulation of shear turbulence
P Gualtieri, CM Casciola, R Benzi, R Piva
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 592, 471-494, 2007
A physical model for merging in two‐dimensional decaying turbulence
G Riccardi, R Piva, R Benzi
Physics of Fluids 7 (12), 3091-3104, 1995
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Articles 1–20