Paolo Carnier
Paolo Carnier
University of Padova - Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science
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Validation of a new reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography method for separation and quantification of bovine milk protein genetic variants
V Bonfatti, L Grigoletto, A Cecchinato, L Gallo, P Carnier
Journal of Chromatography A 1195 (1-2), 101-106, 2008
Change in body condition score of Holstein cows as affected by parity and mature equivalent milk yield
L Gallo, P Carnier, M Cassandro, R Mantovani, L Bailoni, B Contiero, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 79 (6), 1009-1015, 1996
Genetic parameters of milk coagulation properties and their relationships with milk yield and quality traits in Italian Holstein cows
M Cassandro, A Comin, M Ojala, R Dal Zotto, M De Marchi, L Gallo, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 91 (1), 371-376, 2008
Effects of composite β-and κ-casein genotypes on milk coagulation, quality, and yield traits in Italian Holstein cows
A Comin, M Cassandro, S Chessa, M Ojala, R Dal Zotto, M De Marchi, ...
Journal of dairy science 91 (10), 4022-4027, 2008
Mid-infrared spectroscopy predictions as indicator traits in breeding programs for enhanced coagulation properties of milk
A Cecchinato, M De Marchi, L Gallo, G Bittante, P Carnier
Journal of Dairy Science 92 (10), 5304-5313, 2009
Heritabilities and genetic correlations of body condition score and calving interval with yield, somatic cell score, and linear type traits in Brown Swiss cattle
R Dal Zotto, M De Marchi, C Dalvit, M Cassandro, L Gallo, P Carnier, ...
Journal of dairy science 90 (12), 5737-5743, 2007
Effects of β-κ-casein (CSN2-CSN3) haplotypes, β-lactoglobulin (BLG) genotypes, and detailed protein composition on coagulation properties of individual milk of Simmental cows
V Bonfatti, G Di Martino, A Cecchinato, L Degano, P Carnier
Journal of dairy science 93 (8), 3809-3817, 2010
Reproducibility and repeatability of measures of milk coagulation properties and predictive ability of mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy
R Dal Zotto, M De Marchi, A Cecchinato, M Penasa, M Cassandro, ...
Journal of dairy science 91 (10), 4103-4112, 2008
Genetic parameters for direct and maternal calving ability over parities in Piedmontese cattle
P Carnier, A Albera, R Dal Zotto, AF Groen, M Bona, G Bittante
Journal of Animal Science 78 (10), 2532-2539, 2000
Effects of β-κ-casein (CSN2-CSN3) haplotypes and β-lactoglobulin (BLG) genotypes on milk production traits and detailed protein composition of individual milk of Simmental cows
V Bonfatti, G Di Martino, A Cecchinato, D Vicario, P Carnier
Journal of Dairy Science 93 (8), 3797-3808, 2010
Genetic parameters of coagulation properties, milk yield, quality, and acidity estimated using coagulating and noncoagulating milk information in Brown Swiss and Holstein …
A Cecchinato, M Penasa, M De Marchi, L Gallo, G Bittante, P Carnier
Journal of Dairy Science 94 (8), 4205-4213, 2011
Effectiveness of mid-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of detailed protein composition and contents of protein genetic variants of individual milk of Simmental cows
V Bonfatti, G Di Martino, P Carnier
Journal of dairy science 94 (12), 5776-5785, 2011
Genetic analysis of detailed milk protein composition and coagulation properties in Simmental cattle
V Bonfatti, A Cecchinato, L Gallo, A Blasco, P Carnier
Journal of dairy science 94 (10), 5183-5193, 2011
A field study on fertility and purity of sex-sorted cattle sperm
I Cerchiaro, M Cassandro, R Dal Zotto, P Carnier, L Gallo
Journal of Dairy Science 90 (5), 2538-2542, 2007
Does the attachment system towards owners change in aged dogs?
P Mongillo, E Pitteri, P Carnier, G Gabai, S Adamelli, L Marinelli
Physiology & behavior 120, 64-69, 2013
Growth performance of heavy pigs fed restrictively diets with decreasing crude protein and indispensable amino acids content
L Gallo, G Dalla Montà, L Carraro, A Cecchinato, P Carnier, S Schiavon
Livestock Science 161, 130-138, 2014
Genetic parameters of carcass and meat quality traits of double muscled Piemontese cattle
A Boukha, V Bonfatti, A Cecchinato, A Albera, L Gallo, P Carnier, ...
Meat Science 89 (1), 84-90, 2011
Test-day genetic analysis of condition score and heart girth in Holstein Friesian cows
L Gallo, P Carnier, M Cassandro, R Dal Zotto, G Bittante
Journal of Dairy Science 84 (10), 2321-2326, 2001
Separation and quantification of water buffalo milk protein fractions and genetic variants by RP-HPLC
V Bonfatti, M Giantin, R Rostellato, M Dacasto, P Carnier
Food chemistry 136 (2), 364-367, 2013
Nerve growth factor concentrations in the synovial fluid from healthy dogs and dogs with secondary osteoarthritis
M Isola, V Ferrari, A Miolo, F Stabile, D Bernardini, P Carnier, R Busetto
Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 24 (04), 279-284, 2011
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Articles 1–20