Null subjects MPP Barbosa Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995 | 405 | 1995 |
Null subjects in European and Brazilian Portuguese P Barbosa, MEL Duarte, MA Kato Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 4 (2), 2005 | 282 | 2005 |
Clitics: A window into the null subject property P Barbosa Portuguese syntax: New comparative studies, 31-94, 2000 | 226 | 2000 |
Two kinds of subject pro M Do Pilar Pereira Barbosa Studia Linguistica 63 (1), 2-58, 2009 | 212 | 2009 |
On inversion in wh-questions in Romance P Barbosa na, 2001 | 189 | 2001 |
Clitic placement in European Portuguese and the position of subjects P Barbosa Approaching second: Second position clitics and related phenomena, 1-40, 1996 | 172 | 1996 |
Anaphora and soft constraints L Burzio, P Barbosa, D Fox, P Hagstrom, M McGinnis, D Pesetsky AMSTERDAM STUDIES IN THE THEORY AND HISTORY OF LINGUISTIC SCIENCE SERIES 4, 1-22, 1999 | 150 | 1999 |
Is the best good enough?: optimality and competition in syntax P Barbosa MIT Press, 1998 | 147 | 1998 |
'pro' as a minimal NP - Towards a unified approach to pro-drop P Barbosa Linguistic Inquiry, 1-78, 2018 | 112* | 2018 |
When reduced input leads to delayed acquisition: a study on the acquisition of clitic placement by Portuguese heritage speakers C Flores, P Barbosa International Journal of Bilingualism 18 (3), 304-325, 2014 | 81 | 2014 |
A new look at the null subject parameter P Barbosa Console III, Venice, 1994 | 62 | 1994 |
Pro‐drop and Theories of pro in the Minimalist Program Part 1: Consistent Null Subject Languages and the Pronominal‐Agr Hypothesis PP Barbosa Language and Linguistics Compass 5 (8), 551-570, 2011 | 59 | 2011 |
Subject positions in the null subject languages P Barbosa Seminários de Linguistica 1, 39-63, 1997 | 53 | 1997 |
A Case for an Agree-based Theory of Control P Barbosa 11th Seoul international conference on generative grammar proceedings, 101-123, 2009 | 49 | 2009 |
Partial pro-drop as null NP anaphora P Barbosa Unpublished ms.: University of Minho.[As online as http://ling. auf. net …, 2011 | 48 | 2011 |
A distribuição do sujeito nulo no português europeu e no português brasileiro P Barbosa, ME Duarte, MA Kato Actas do XVI encontro nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, 539-550, 2001 | 46 | 2001 |
Clitic Placement in Old Romance and European Portuguese P Barbosa Twenty-Ninth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 1-40, 1993 | 44 | 1993 |
Clíticos no português de herança de emigrantes bilingues de segunda geração C Flores, P Barbosa Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (APL), 2011 | 43 | 2011 |
O infinitivo preposicionado em PE P Barbosa, F Cochofel Actas do XX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística …, 2005 | 43 | 2005 |
Pro‐drop and Theories of pro in the Minimalist Program Part 2: Pronoun Deletion Analyses of Null Subjects and Partial, Discourse and Semi pro‐drop P Barbosa Language and Linguistics Compass 5 (8), 571-587, 2011 | 41 | 2011 |