Ying Cai
Cited by
Cited by
Patching a multicast technique for true video-on-demand services
KA Hua, Y Cai, S Sheu
Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 191-200, 1998
Exploring historical location data for anonymity preservation in location-based services
T Xu, Y Cai
IEEE INFOCOM 2008-The 27th Conference on Computer Communications, 547-555, 2008
Location anonymity in continuous location-based services
T Xu, Y Cai
Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM international symposium on Advances in …, 2007
Feeling-based location privacy protection for location-based services
T Xu, Y Cai
Proceedings of the 16th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2009
Optimizing patching performance
Y Cai, KA Hua, K Vu
Multimedia Computing and Networking 1999 3654, 204-215, 1998
Processing range-monitoring queries on heterogeneous mobile objects
Y Cai, KA Hua, G Cao
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Fake Co-visitation Injection Attacks to Recommender Systems.
G Yang, NZ Gong, Y Cai
NDSS, 2017
Query l-diversity in location-based services
F Liu, KA Hua, Y Cai
2009 Tenth international conference on mobile data management: systems …, 2009
Detecting adversarial examples through image transformation
S Tian, G Yang, Y Cai
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 32 (1), 2018
A generalized target-driven cache replacement policy for mobile environments
L Yin, G Cao, Y Cai
2003 Symposium on Applications and the Internet, 2003. Proceedings., 14-21, 2003
Real-time processing of range-monitoring queries in heterogeneous mobile databases
Y Cai, KA Hua, G Cao, T Xu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 5 (7), 931-942, 2006
An efficient bandwidth-sharing technique for true video on demand systems
Y Cai, KA Hua
Proceedings of the seventh ACM international conference on Multimedia (Part …, 1999
Leveraging 1-hop neighborhood knowledge for efficient flooding in wireless ad hoc networks
Y Cai, KA Hua, A Phillips
PCCC 2005. 24th IEEE International Performance, Computing, and …, 2005
Design, analysis, and implementation of a large-scale real-time location-based information sharing system
Y Cai, T Xu
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Mobile systems …, 2008
Exploiting client bandwidth for more efficient video broadcast
KA Hua, Y Cai, S Sheu
Proceedings 7th International Conference on Computer Communications and …, 1998
Sharing multicast videos using patching streams
Y Cai, KA Hua
Multimedia tools and applications 21, 125-146, 2003
An adaptive query management technique for real-time monitoring of spatial regions in mobile database systems
Y Cai, KA Hua
Conference Proceedings of the IEEE International Performance, Computing, and …, 2002
Cloaking with footprints to provide location privacy protection in location-based services
Y Cai, G Xu
US Patent 8,856,939, 2014
Spatio-temporal check-in time prediction with recurrent neural network based survival analysis
G Yang, Y Cai, CK Reddy
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on …, 2018
A Reputation-based Trust Management in Peer-to-Peer Network Systems.
N Stakhanova, S Ferrero, JS Wong, Y Cai
PDCS, 510-515, 2004
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Articles 1–20