Xinyi Ding
Xinyi Ding
Zhejiang Gongshang University
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Cited by
Swapped face detection using deep learning and subjective assessment
X Ding, Z Raziei, EC Larson, EV Olinick, P Krueger, M Hahsler
EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2020, 1-12, 2020
Measuring Oxygen Saturation with Smartphone Cameras using Convolutional Neural Networks
X Ding, D Nassehi, EC Larson
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2018
PupilNet, Measuring Task Evoked Pupillary Response using Commodity RGB Tablet Cameras: Comparison to Mobile, Infrared Gaze Trackers for Inferring Cognitive Load
C Wangwiwattana, X Ding, EC Larson
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2018
Why Deep Knowledge Tracing has less Depth than Anticipated
X Ding, EC Larson
The 12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 282-287, 2019
Smartphone camera oximetry in an induced hypoxemia study
JS Hoffman, VK Viswanath, C Tian, X Ding, MJ Thompson, EC Larson, ...
NPJ digital medicine 5 (1), 146, 2022
Incorporating uncertainties in student response modeling by loss function regularization
X Ding, EC Larson
Neurocomputing 409, 74-82, 2020
On the Interpretability of Deep Learning Based Models for Knowledge Tracing
X Ding, EC Larson
AAAI 2021 workshop, 2021
An approach for combining multimodal fusion and neural architecture search applied to knowledge tracing
X Ding, T Han, Y Fang, E Larson
Applied Intelligence 53 (9), 11092-11103, 2023
EduAware: using tablet-based navigation gestures to predict learning module performance
X Ding, EC Larson, A Doyle, K Donahoo, R Rajgopal, E Bing
Interactive Learning Environments 29 (5), 720-732, 2021
Automatic rnn cell design for knowledge tracing using reinforcement learning
X Ding, EC Larson
Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 285-288, 2020
Variational encoding based on factorized temporal-channel fusion and feature fusion for interpretable remaining useful life prediction
Y Chen, D Liu, X Ding, H Jiang
Advanced Engineering Informatics 59, 102316, 2024
Incorporating feature labeling into crowdsourcing for more accurate aggregation labels
Y Fang, Z Pei, X Ding, W Xu, T Han
International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking …, 2022
TDG4Crowd: Test Data Generation for Evaluation of Aggregation Algorithms in Crowdsourcing
Y Fang, C Shen, H Gu, T Han, X Ding
IJCAI 2023, 2023
Effectiveness of Malicious Behavior and Its Impact on Crowdsourcing
X Ding, Z Zhang, Z Yuan, T Han, H Gu, Y Fang
CCF Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing …, 2022
Large Scale Anonymous Collusion and its detection in crowdsourcing
T Han, W Xu, Y Fang, X Ding
Expert Systems with Applications 259, 125284, 2025
TCM: An efficient lightweight MLP-based network with affine transformation for long-term time series forecasting
H Jiang, D Liu, X Ding, Y Chen, H Li
Neurocomputing, 128960, 2024
Mixture of Experts based Multi-task Supervise Learning from Crowds
T Han, H Shi, X Ding, X Ma, H Gu, Y Fang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.13268, 2024
Context-Aware Automatic Splitting Method for Structured Complex Crowdsourcing Tasks
Y Fang, L Jin, T Han, K Zhang, X Ding
CCF Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing …, 2023
Crowd4ME: A Crowdsourcing-Based Micro-expression Collection Platform
X Wang, L Lv, Y Fang, X Ding, T Han
International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, 315-318, 2021
Deep Neural Network Based Student Response Modeling With Uncertainty, Multimodality and Attention
X Ding
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Articles 1–20