Yerin Shim
Cited by
Cited by
Purpose and meaning in career development applications
BJ Dik, RD Duffy, BA Allan, MB O’Donnell, Y Shim, MF Steger
The Counseling Psychologist 43 (4), 558-585, 2015
Development and Validation of the Korean Version of the Calling and Vocation Questionnaire(CVQ-K)
Y Shim, SK Yoo
The Korean Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy 24 (4), 847-842, 2012
Is meaning in life a flagship indicator of well-being?
MF Steger, JY Shin, Y Shim, A Fitch-Martin
American Psychological Association, 2013
The mind’s eye: A photographic method for understanding meaning in people’s lives
MF Steger, Y Shim, BR Rush, LA Brueske, JY Shin, LA Merriman
The Journal of Positive Psychology 8 (6), 530-542, 2013
Measuring satisfaction and meaning at work.
MF Steger, BJ Dik, Y Shim
American Psychological Association, 2019
Through the windows of the soul: A pilot study using photography to enhance meaning in life
MF Steger, Y Shim, J Barenz, JY Shin
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 3 (1), 27-30, 2014
The role of coping strategies in maintaining well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak in South Korea
JH Kim, Y Shim, I Choi, E Choi
Social Psychological and Personality Science 13 (1), 320-332, 2022
한국판 소명척도 타당화: 대학생을 대상으로
이화여자대학교 석사학위논문, 2010
Arts and humanities engagement: An integrative conceptual framework for psychological research
Y Shim, L Tay, M Ward, JO Pawelski
Review of General Psychology 23 (2), 159-176, 2019
Arts and humanities interventions for flourishing in healthy adults: A mixed studies systematic review
Y Shim, AT Jebb, L Tay, JO Pawelski
Review of General Psychology 25 (3), 258-282, 2021
Ultimate concerns from existential and positive psychological perspectives
J Jurica, J Barenz, Y Shim, K Graham, MF Steger
Meaning in positive and existential psychology, 115-128, 2014
A randomized controlled trial of a religiously-tailored career intervention with Christian clients
BJ Dik, KA Scholljegerdes, J Ahn, Y Shim
Journal of Psychology and Christianity 34 (4), 340, 2015
Development and validation of the Mechanisms of Engagement in the Arts and Humanities scales.
S Thapa, H Vaziri, Y Shim, L Tay, JO Pawelski
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2023
Experiencing meaningful work as a lower socioeconomic status worker: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Y Shim, BJ Dik, JH Banning
Journal of Career Assessment 30 (4), 697-718, 2022
Revisiting the Meaning in Life Questionnaire, Part 1: Psychometrics, health, and special populations.
MB O'Donnell, Y Shim, JD Barenz, MF Steger
International Forum for Logotherapy, 2014
Paradoxical impacts of social relationship on well-being during the covid-19 pandemic
SS Lee, Y Shim, J Choi, I Choi
Journal of Happiness Studies 24 (2), 745-767, 2023
Conducting mobile-enabled ecological momentary intervention research in positive psychology: key considerations and recommended practices
Y Shim, VS Scotney, L Tay
The Journal of Positive Psychology 17 (5), 708-717, 2022
The role of coping strategies in maintaining well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak in South Korea. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13 (1), 320-332
JH Kim, Y Shim, I Choi, E Choi
The best within us: Positive psychology perspectives on eudaimonia
MF Steger, JY Shin, Y Shim, A Fitch-Martin, AS Waterman
Korean happiness report
I Choi, J Choi, J Kim, Y Shim, N Kim, SS Lee, Y Kwon
Seoul: Book 21, 2020, 2020
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Articles 1–20