Maryna Tverdostup
Maryna Tverdostup
The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)
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Cited by
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: assessment of the humanitarian, economic, and financial impact in the short and medium term
V Astrov, M Ghodsi, R Grieveson, M Holzner, A Kochnev, M Landesmann, ...
International Economics and Economic Policy 19 (2), 331-381, 2022
Gender Identity, Coworking Spouses, and Relative Income within Households
N Zinovyeva, M Tverdostup
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 13 (4), 258-84, 2021
The labour market performance of young return migrants after the crisis in CEE countries: The case of Estonia
M Tverdostup, J Masso
Baltic journal of economics 16 (2), 192-220, 2016
Gender-specific human capital: identification and quantifying its wage effects
M Tverdostup, T Paas
International Journal of Manpower 38 (6), 854-874, 2017
Industrial policy for a new growth model: A toolbox for EU-CEE countries
Z Zavarská, A Bykova, R Grieveson, D Hanzl-Weiss, O Sankot
wiiw Research Report, 2023
Mapping Patterns of Self Employment: Secondary Analysis Synthesis Report
J Masso, M Tverdostrup, M Sheehan, A McNamara, R Ortlieb, S Weiss, ...
COVID-19 and gender gaps in employment, wages, and work hours: Lower inequalities and higher motherhood penalty
M Tverdostup
Comparative economic studies 65 (4), 713-735, 2023
Diagnostic uncertainty and insurance coverage in credence goods markets
L Balafoutas, H Fornwagner, R Kerschbamer, M Sutter, M Tverdostup
Working Papers in Economics and Statistics, 2020
Immigrant–native wage gap in Europe: the role of cognitive skills and their use at work
M Tverdostup, T Paas
International Journal of Manpower 40 (1), 154-175, 2019
Return migration patterns of young return migrants after the crises in the CEE countries: Estonia and Slovakia
J Masso, LM Kureková, M Tverdostup, Z Žilinčíková
Strategic Transitions for youth labour in Europe. Masso Jaan Kureková Lucia …, 2016
Gender disparities in wage returns to human capital components: how different are European labour markets?
M Tverdostup, T Paas
Baltic Journal of Economics 22 (1), 28-48, 2022
Gender gaps in employment, wages, and work hours: Assessment of COVID-19 implications
M Tverdostup
wiiw Working Paper, 2021
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Assessment of the humanitarian
V Astrov, M Ghodsi, R Grieveson, M Holzner, M Landesmann, O Pindyuk, ...
Economic and Financial Impact in the Short and Medium Term, wiiw Policy …, 2022
What are the employment prospects for young Estonian and Slovak return migrants?
J Masso, LM Kureková, M Tverdostup, Z Žilinčíková
Youth Labor in Transition, 461-500, 2018
Outlier or not? The Ukrainian economy’s preparedness for EU accession
R Grieveson, B Jovanovic, M Kosmehl, M Landesmann, O Pindyuk, ...
Joint Study, 2023
Diagnostic uncertainty and insurance in credence goods markets
L Balafoutas, H Fornwagner, R Kerschbamer, M Sutter, M Tverdostup
Research platform Empirical and Experimental Economics, University of Innsbruck, 2020
Valuation of human capital and the gender wage gap in Europe
M Tverdostup, T Paas
Available at SSRN 3460494, 2019
The input-output analysis of blue industries: Comparative study of Estonia and Finland
G Ashyrov, T Paas, M Tverdostup
University of Tartu, Working Paper, 2018
Skills heterogeneity and immigrant-native wage gap in the European countries
International ournal of Economic Sciences 7 (2), 119-142, 2018
Demography, capital accumulation and growth
R Stehrer, M Tverdostup
wiiw Working Paper, 2022
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Articles 1–20