Barbara Capone
Barbara Capone
Associate Professor, Science Department, University of Roma Tre
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Limiting the valence: advancements and new perspectives on patchy colloids, soft functionalized nanoparticles and biomolecules
E Bianchi, B Capone, I Coluzza, L Rovigatti, PDJ van Oostrum
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (30), 19847-19868, 2017
Sequence controlled self-knotting colloidal patchy polymers
I Coluzza, PDJ van Oostrum, B Capone, E Reimhult, C Dellago
Physical review letters 110 (7), 075501, 2013
Telechelic star polymers as self-assembling units from the molecular to the macroscopic scale
B Capone, I Coluzza, F LoVerso, CN Likos, R Blaak
Physical review letters 109 (23), 238301, 2012
A soft effective segment representation of semidilute polymer solutions
C Pierleoni, B Capone, JP Hansen
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (17), 2007
Core–shell structure of monodisperse poly (ethylene glycol)-grafted iron oxide nanoparticles studied by small-angle X-ray scattering
TA Grünewald, A Lassenberger, PDJ van Oostrum, H Rennhofer, ...
Chemistry of Materials 27 (13), 4763-4771, 2015
Multi-blob coarse graining for ring polymer solutions
A Narros, CN Likos, AJ Moreno, B Capone
Soft Matter 10 (48), 9601-9614, 2014
Soft-patchy nanoparticles: modeling and self-organization
E Bianchi, B Capone, G Kahl, CN Likos
Faraday discussions 181, 123-138, 2015
Entropic Self-Assembly of Diblock Copolymers into Disordered and Ordered Micellar Phases
B Capone, C Pierleoni, JP Hansen, V Krakoviack
Journal of Physical Chemistry B-Condensed Phase 113 (12), 3629, 2010
Design and folding of colloidal patchy polymers
I Coluzza, PDJ van Oostrum, B Capone, E Reimhult, C Dellago
Soft Matter 9 (3), 938-944, 2013
Coarse graining of star-polymer–colloid nanocomposites
D Marzi, CN Likos, B Capone
The Journal of chemical physics 137 (1), 2012
Soft self-assembled nanoparticles with temperature-dependent properties
L Rovigatti, B Capone, CN Likos
Nanoscale 8 (6), 3288-3295, 2016
Depletion, melting and reentrant solidification in mixtures of soft and hard colloids
D Marzi, B Capone, J Marakis, MC Merola, D Truzzolillo, L Cipelletti, ...
Soft Matter 11 (42), 8296-8312, 2015
Glassy states in asymmetric mixtures of soft and hard colloids
D Truzzolillo, D Marzi, J Marakis, B Capone, M Camargo, A Munam, ...
Physical review letters 111 (20), 208301, 2013
Hierarchical self-assembly of telechelic star polymers: from soft patchy particles to gels and diamond crystals
B Capone, I Coluzza, R Blaak, FL Verso, CN Likos
New Journal of Physics 15 (9), 095002, 2013
Hierarchical self-organization of soft patchy nanoparticles into morphologically diverse aggregates
IC Gârlea, E Bianchi, B Capone, L Rovigatti, CN Likos
Current opinion in colloid & interface science 30, 1-7, 2017
Competing micellar and cylindrical phases in semi-dilute diblock copolymer solutions
B Capone, JP Hansen, I Coluzza
Soft Matter 6 (24), 6075-6078, 2010
Rescaling of structural length scales for “soft effective segment” representations of polymers in good solvent
I Coluzza, B Capone, JP Hansen
Soft Matter 7 (11), 5255-5259, 2011
Assessment of sexual and emotional distress in infertile couple: validation of a new specific psychometric tool
T Cocchiaro, C Meneghini, A Dal Lago, C Fabiani, M Amodei, D Miriello, ...
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 43, 1729-1737, 2020
A systematic coarse-graining strategy for semi-dilute copolymer solutions: from monomers to micelles
B Capone, I Coluzza, JP Hansen
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (19), 194102, 2011
Multiblob coarse-graining for mixtures of long polymers and soft colloids
E Locatelli, B Capone, CN Likos
The Journal of chemical physics 145 (17), 2016
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Articles 1–20