Elise Monsieurs
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Cited by
A susceptibility-based rainfall threshold approach for landslide occurrence
E Monsieurs, O Dewitte, A Demoulin
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (4), 775-789, 2019
Evaluation of remotely sensed rainfall products over Central Africa
P Camberlin, G Barraud, S Bigot, O Dewitte, F Makanzu Imwangana, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 145 (722), 2115-2138, 2019
Landslide inventory for hazard assessment in a data-poor context: a regional-scale approach in a tropical African environment
E Monsieurs, L Jacobs, C Michellier, J Basimike Tchangaboba, GB Ganza, ...
Landslides 15, 2195-2209, 2018
Seasonal surface drainage of sloping farmland: a review of its hydrogeomorphic impacts
E Monsieurs, M Dessie, E Adgo, J Poesen, J Deckers, N Verhoest, ...
Land degradation & development 26 (1), 35-44, 2015
Multi-temporal DInSAR to characterise landslide ground deformations in a tropical urban environment: Focus on Bukavu (DR Congo)
A Nobile, A Dille, E Monsieurs, J Basimike, TM Bibentyo, N d’Oreye, ...
Remote sensing 10 (4), 626, 2018
Evaluating TMPA rainfall over the sparsely gauged East African Rift
E Monsieurs, DB Kirschbaum, J Tan, JCM Mateso, L Jacobs, PD Plisnier, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 19 (9), 1507-1528, 2018
Acceleration of a large deep-seated tropical landslide due to urbanization feedbacks
A Dille, O Dewitte, AL Handwerger, N d’Oreye, D Derauw, ...
Nature Geoscience 15 (12), 1048-1055, 2022
Causes and triggers of deep-seated hillslope instability in the tropics–Insights from a 60-year record of Ikoma landslide (DR Congo)
A Dille, F Kervyn, TM Bibentyo, D Delvaux, GB Ganza, GI Mawe, ...
Geomorphology 345, 106835, 2019
Salmonella Typhi From Blood Cultures in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A 10-Year Surveillance
B Tack, MF Phoba, S Van Puyvelde, LM Kalonji, L Hardy, B Barbé, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 68 (Supplement_2), S130-S137, 2019
Constraining landslide timing in a data-scarce context: from recent to very old processes in the tropical environment of the North Tanganyika-Kivu Rift region
O Dewitte, A Dille, A Depicker, D Kubwimana, JC Maki Mateso, ...
Landslides 18 (1), 161-177, 2021
Effects of drainage ditches and stone bunds on topographical thresholds for gully head development in North Ethiopia
E Monsieurs, J Poesen, M Dessie, E Adgo, NEC Verhoest, J Deckers, ...
Geomorphology 234, 193-203, 2015
Towards an inventory of landslide processes and the elements at risk on the Rift flanks west of Lake Kivu
JC Maki Mateso, E Monsieurs, L Jacobs, L Bagalwa Mateso, ...
Constraints on landslide-climate research imposed by the reality of fieldwork in Central Africa
E Monsieurs, DB Kirschbaum, W Thiery, N van Lipzig, M Kervyn, ...
3rd North American symposium on landslides, 2017
Characteristics and causes of natural and human-induced landslides in a tropical mountainous region: the rift flank west of Lake Kivu (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
JC Maki Mateso, CL Bielders, E Monsieurs, A Depicker, B Smets, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23 (2), 643-666, 2023
Towards a transferable antecedent rainfall—susceptibility threshold approach for landsliding
E Monsieurs, O Dewitte, A Depicker, A Demoulin
Water 11 (11), 2202, 2019
Impact of draining hilly lands on runoff and on‐site erosion: a case study from humid Ethiopia
E Monsieurs, M Dessie, NEC Verhoest, J Poesen, E Adgo, J Deckers, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41 (4), 513-525, 2016
Towards a Transferable Antecedent Rainfall–Susceptibility Threshold Approach for Landsliding, Water, 11, 2202
E Monsieurs, O Dewitte, A Depicker, A Demoulin
Landslides, land use and the anthropization of a rural environment: focus on the Rift flanks west of Lake Kivu (DR Congo)
JM Mateso, E Monsieurs, C Bielders, O Dewitte
Austria, 2018
The potential of satellite rainfall estimates in assessing regional landslide hazard in Central Africa
E Monsieurs
ULiège-Université de Liège, 2020
Mapping landslide processes in the North Tanganyika-Lake Kivu rift zones: towards a regional hazard assessment
O Dewitte, E Monsieurs, L Jacobs, J Basimike, D Delvaux, S Draida, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6726, 2015
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Articles 1–20