Calden Wloka
Calden Wloka
Assistant Professor, Harvey Mudd College
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On computational modeling of visual saliency: Examining what’s right, and what’s left
NDB Bruce, C Wloka, N Frosst, S Rahman, JK Tsotsos
Vision research 116, 95-112, 2015
Active fixation control to predict saccade sequences
C Wloka, I Kotseruba, JK Tsotsos
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
Probabilistic character motion synthesis using a hierarchical deep latent variable model
S Ghorbani, C Wloka, A Etemad, MA Brubaker, NF Troje
Computer Graphics Forum 39 (8), 225-239, 2020
A focus on selection for fixation
J Tsotsos, I Kotseruba, C Wloka
Journal of Eye Movement Research 9 (5), 2016
Systems and methods for the inspection of cylinders
I Cameron, ADC Maw, H Zhang, C Wloka, S Watterodt, SJ Park, ...
US Patent 7,812,941, 2010
Do Saliency Models Detect Odd-One-Out Targets? New Datasets and Evaluations
I Kotseruba, C Wloka, A Rasouli, JK Tsotsos
British Machine Vision Conference, 2019
Smiler: Saliency model implementation library for experimental research
C Wloka, T Kunić, I Kotseruba, R Fahimi, N Frosst, NDB Bruce, JK Tsotsos
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.08848, 2018
Spatially binned roc: A comprehensive saliency metric
C Wloka, J Tsotsos
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2016
Systems and methods for inspection of stents
I Cameron, ADC Maw, H Zhang, C Wloka, S Watterodt, SJ Park, ...
US Patent 8,134,700, 2012
Edge detection for satellite images without deep networks
J Abraham, C Wloka
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.12633, 2021
Overt fixations reflect a natural central bias
C Wloka, JK Tsotsos
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 239-239, 2013
Psychophysical evaluation of saliency algorithms
C Wloka, SA Yoo, R Sengupta, T Kunic, J Tsotsos
Journal of Vision 16 (12), 1291-1291, 2016
Rapid visual categorization is not guided by early salience-based selection
JK Tsotsos, I Kotseruba, C Wloka
PloS one 14 (10), e0224306, 2019
Integrating Overt and Covert Attention Using Peripheral and Central Processing Streams
C Wloka
York University, 2012
Modeling task influences for saccade sequence and visual relevance prediction
D Berga, C Wloka, JK Tsotsos
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 106c-106c, 2019
The interaction of target-distractor similarity and visual search efficiency for basic features
C Wloka, SA Yoo, R Sengupta, J Tsotsos
Journal of Vision 17 (10), 1130-1130, 2017
Flipped on its head: deep learning-based saliency finds asymmetry in the opposite direction expected for singleton search of flipped and canonical targets
C Wloka, JK Tsotsos
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 318-318, 2019
The effects of image padding in saliency algorithms
NMW Frosst, C Wloka, J Tsotsos
Perception 43 (1), 106-107, 2014
Correction: Rapid visual categorization is not guided by early salience-based selection
JK Tsotsos, I Kotseruba, C Wloka
Plos one 14 (12), e0226429, 2019
An Empirical Method to Quantify the Peripheral Performance Degradation in Deep Networks
C Wloka, JK Tsotsos
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.02749, 2020
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Articles 1–20