Paul Reilly
Paul Reilly
Senior Lecturer in Communications, Media and Democracy, University of Glasgow
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Is social media bad for mental health and wellbeing? Exploring the perspectives of adolescents
M O’reilly, N Dogra, N Whiteman, J Hughes, S Eruyar, P Reilly
Clinical child psychology and psychiatry 23 (4), 601-613, 2018
Potential of social media in promoting mental health in adolescents
M O’Reilly, N Dogra, J Hughes, P Reilly, R George, N Whiteman
Health promotion international 34 (5), 981-991, 2019
Whose responsibility is adolescent’s mental health in the UK? Perspectives of key stakeholders
M O’Reilly, S Adams, N Whiteman, J Hughes, P Reilly, N Dogra
School mental health 10, 450-461, 2018
Modelling large-scale evacuation of music festivals
E Ronchi, FN Uriz, X Criel, P Reilly
Case Studies in Fire Safety 5, 11-19, 2016
Researching protest on Facebook: developing an ethical stance for the study of Northern Irish flag protest pages
P Reilly, F Trevisan
Information, Communication & Society 19 (3), 419-435, 2016
Ethical dilemmas in researching sensitive issues online: lessons from the study of British disability dissent networks
F Trevisan, P Reilly
Information, Communication & Society 17 (9), 1131-1146, 2014
Every little helps? YouTube, sousveillance and the ‘anti-Tesco’riot in Stokes Croft
P Reilly
New Media & Society 17 (5), 755-771, 2015
Easy data, same old platforms? A systematic review of digital activism methodologies
SM Özkula, PJ Reilly, J Hayes
Information, Communication & Society 26 (7), 1470-1489, 2023
Public expectations of social media use by critical infrastructure operators in crisis communication.
L Petersen, L Fallou, P Reilly, E Serafinelli
ISCRAM, 2017
'Anti‐social'Networking in Northern Ireland: Policy Responses to Young People's Use of Social Media for Organizing Anti‐social Behavior
P Reilly
Policy & Internet 3 (1), 1-23, 2011
The ‘Battle of Stokes Croft’on YouTube: The development of an ethical stance for the study of online comments
P Reilly
University of Leicester, 2013
Public expectations of critical infrastructure operators in times of crisis
L Petersen, L Fallou, P Reilly, E Serafinelli
Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 5 (1-2), 62-77, 2020
Internet research: Ethical guidelines 3.0
AHH Heise, S Hongladarom, A Jobin, K Kinder-Kurlanda, S Sun, EL Lim, ...
Photographing the ‘battlefield’: The role of ideology in photojournalist practices during the anti-austerity protests in Greece
A Veneti, DG Lilleker, P Reilly
Journalism 21 (6), 855-872, 2020
‘Googling’terrorists: Are Northern Irish terrorists visible on Internet search engines?
P Reilly
Web Search: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 151-175, 2008
The Troubles Online: Northern Irish political groups and website strategy
P Reilly
Manchester University Press, 2011
Organizational hashtags during times of crisis: Analyzing the broadcasting and gatekeeping dynamics of# PorteOuverte during the November 2015 Paris terror attacks
P Reilly, S Vicari
Social Media+ Society 7 (1), 2056305121995788, 2021
Digital contention in a divided society: Social media, parades and protests in Northern Ireland
P Reilly
Manchester University Press, 2021
November 2015 Paris terrorist attacks and social media use: preliminary findings from authorities, critical infrastructure operators and journalists
L Petersen, L Fallou, G Havârneanu, P Reilly, E Serafinelli, R Bossu
A report on the role of the media in the information flows that emerge during crisis situations
P Reilly, D Atanasova
CascEff project report 20, 2016
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