E. Anna Claydon
E. Anna Claydon
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Cited by
Dis/Enablement?: An Analysis of the Representation of Disability on British Terrestrial Television Pre-and Post-Paralympics
EA Claydon, B Gunter, P Reilly
Reframing Disability?, 37-65, 2014
Framing the Difference (s): Analysing the Representation of the Body of the Athlete in the 2012 Olympics' and Paralympics' Official Programmes
EA Claydon
Reframing Disability?, 79-93, 2014
Masculinity and deviance in British cinema of the 1970s: Sex, drugs and rock ‘n’roll in The wicker man, Tommy and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
EA Claydon
University of Leicester, 2010
The representation of masculinity in British cinema of the 1960s: Lawrence of Arabia, The loneliness of the long distance runner, and The Hill
EA Claydon
(No Title), 2005
National Identity, the GPO Film Unit and their Music
EA Claydon
University of Leicester, 2011
Cityscope: the cinema and the city
A Claydon
Global Built Environment Review 5, 57-68, 2005
The Projected Man: The B–Movie and the Monstrous–Masculine
EA Claydon
Extrapolation 48 (3), 482-492, 2007
Masculinity, fantasy and Bhaji on the Beach
EA Claydon
Picturing South Asian Culture in English: Textual and Visual Representations …, 2003
'Overcoming'the'Battlefield of the Mind': A Psycho-linguistic Examination of the Discourse of Digital-Televangelists Self-Help Texts
E Claydon, J Whitehouse-Hart
University of Leicester, 2018
Wanting to believe: CGI animation and the dilemmas of verisimilitude
EA Claydon
Conference proceedings of the Cinema and technology conference, 2005
Representing the Mind: The Psyche on Film (Memento and Donnie Darko)
EA Claydon
University of Leicester, 2010
British South Asian Cinema and Identity II:‘When did Mr Collins become the ‘Ugly American’? Representing America in the films of Gurinder Chadha’
EA Claydon
University of Leicester, 2009
Mindworks: Getting inside heads in fiction film
EA Claydon
University of Leicester, 2007
Disability and Identity in Film: Finding the Voices of the Disabled in Cinema
EA Claydon
University of Leicester, 2009
British South Asian Cinema and Identity I ‘Nostalgia in the Post-National: Contemporary British Cinema and the South-Asian Diaspora’
EA Claydon
University of Leicester, 2008
Nigel Mather, Tears of Laughter: Comedy-Drama in 1990s British Cinema
EA Claydon
Journal of British Cinema and Television 4 (1), 186-188, 2007
3 Dis/Enablement?
EA Claydon, B Gunter, P Reilly
Reframing Disability?: Media,(Dis) Empowerment, and Voice in the 2012 …, 2014
Dr Christoph Bertling is a lecturer in the Institute of Communication and Mass Media (IKM) at the German Sports University. He is also a (sports) reporter/staff writer for …
EA Claydon, L Giuffre
Reframing Disability?: Media,(Dis) Empowerment, and Voice in the 2012 …, 2014
Bonded to the series: Musical style, performance and the 007 theme song
EA Claydon
The Soundtrack 7 (2), 105-118, 2014
Julia Knight and Peter Thomas, Reaching Audiences: Distribution and Promotion of Alternative Moving Image (Bristol: Intellect Books, 2011), pp. 208, ISBN: 978 1 …
EA Claydon
Journal of British Cinema and Television 10 (3), 677-679, 2013
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Articles 1–20