Erik Trampe
Erik Trampe
Marine Biological Section, University of Copenhagen
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Microbial diversity of biofilm communities in microniches associated with the didemnid ascidian Lissoclinum patella
L Behrendt, AWD Larkum, E Trampe, A Norman, SJ Sørensen, M Kühl
The ISME journal 6 (6), 1222-1237, 2012
Functionalized Bioink with Optical Sensor Nanoparticles for O2 Imaging in 3D‐Bioprinted Constructs
E Trampe, K Koren, AR Akkineni, C Senwitz, F Krujatz, A Lode, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (45), 1804411, 2018
Endolithic chlorophyll d-containing phototrophs
L Behrendt, AWD Larkum, A Norman, K Qvortrup, M Chen, P Ralph, ...
The ISME Journal 5 (6), 1072-1076, 2011
Structure‐based optics of centric diatom frustules: modulation of the in vivo light field for efficient diatom photosynthesis
JW Goessling, Y Su, P Cartaxana, C Maibohm, LF Rickelt, ECL Trampe, ...
New Phytologist 219 (1), 122-134, 2018
Microenvironmental Ecology of the Chlorophyll b-Containing Symbiotic Cyanobacterium Prochloron in the Didemnid Ascidian Lissoclinum patella
M Kühl, L Behrendt, E Trampe, K Qvortrup, U Schreiber, SM Borisov, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 3, 402, 2012
Kleptoplast photosynthesis is nutritionally relevant in the sea slug Elysia viridis
P Cartaxana, E Trampe, M Kühl, S Cruz
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 7714, 2017
Photoregulation in a Kleptochloroplastidic Dinoflagellate, Dinophysis acuta
PJ Hansen, K Ojamäe, T Berge, ECL Trampe, LT Nielsen, I Lips, M Kühl
Frontiers in Microbiology 7, 785, 2016
Rapid assessment of different oxygenic phototrophs and single-cell photosynthesis with multicolour variable chlorophyll fluorescence imaging
E Trampe, J Kolbowski, U Schreiber, M Kühl
Marine biology 158, 1667-1675, 2011
Life in the dark: far‐red absorbing cyanobacteria extend photic zones deep into terrestrial caves
L Behrendt, EL Trampe, NB Nord, J Nguyen, M Kühl, D Lonco, A Nyarko, ...
Environmental microbiology 22 (3), 952-963, 2020
A Novel Epiphytic Chlorophyll d‐containing Cyanobacterium Isolated from a Mangrove‐associated Red Alga
AWD Larkum, M Chen, Y Li, M Schliep, E Trampe, J West, A Salih, M Kühl
Journal of phycology 48 (6), 1320-1327, 2012
PhenoChip: a single-cell phenomic platform for high-throughput photophysiological analyses of microalgae
L Behrendt, MM Salek, EL Trampe, VI Fernandez, KS Lee, M Kühl, ...
Science Advances 6 (36), eabb2754, 2020
Substantial near-infrared radiation-driven photosynthesis of chlorophyll f-containing cyanobacteria in a natural habitat
M Kühl, E Trampe, M Mosshammer, M Johnson, AWD Larkum, ...
Elife 9, e50871, 2020
Chlorophyll f distribution and dynamics in cyanobacterial beachrock biofilms
E Trampe, M Kühl
Journal of phycology 52 (6), 990-996, 2016
Vertical distribution and diversity of phototrophic bacteria within a hot spring microbial Mat (Nakabusa hot springs, Japan)
JN Martinez, A Nishihara, M Lichtenberg, E Trampe, S Kawai, M Tank, ...
Microbes and Environments 34 (4), 374-387, 2019
Fiber‐optic probes for small‐scale measurements of scalar irradiance
LF Rickelt, M Lichtenberg, ECL Trampe, M Kühl
Photochemistry and Photobiology 92 (2), 331-342, 2016
In Situ Hydrogen Dynamics in a Hot Spring Microbial Mat during a Diel Cycle
NP Revsbech, E Trampe, M Lichtenberg, DM Ward, M Kühl
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82 (14), 4209-4217, 2016
Light sheet microscopy imaging of light absorption and photosynthesis distribution in plant tissue
M Lichtenberg, ECL Trampe, TC Vogelmann, M Kühl
Plant Physiology 175 (2), 721-733, 2017
Imaging O2 dynamics and microenvironments in the seagrass leaf phyllosphere with magnetic optical sensor nanoparticles
K Elgetti Brodersen, M Kühl, E Trampe, K Koren
The Plant Journal 104 (6), 1504-1519, 2020
Kleptoplast distribution, photosynthetic efficiency and sequestration mechanisms in intertidal benthic foraminifera
B Jesus, T Jauffrais, ECL Trampe, JW Goessling, C Lekieffre, A Meibom, ...
The ISME Journal 16 (3), 822-832, 2022
In situ Dynamics of O2, pH, Light, and Photosynthesis in Ikaite Tufa Columns (Ikka Fjord, Greenland)—A Unique Microbial Habitat
ECL Trampe, JEN Larsen, MA Glaring, P Stougaard, M Kühl
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 722, 2016
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Articles 1–20