Emilio Granell
Emilio Granell
Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technology Research Center - Universitat Politècnica de
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Cited by
Smart collaborative mobile system for taking care of disabled and elderly people
S Sendra, E Granell, J Lloret, JJPC Rodrigues
Mobile Networks and Applications 19, 287-302, 2014
Transcription of Spanish Historical Handwritten Documents with Deep Neural Networks
E Granell, E Chammas, L Likforman-Sulem, CD Martínez-Hinarejos, ...
Journal of Imaging 4 (1), 15, 2018
Multimodal crowdsourcing for transcribing handwritten documents
E Granell, CD Martinez-Hinarejos
IEEE/ACM transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 25 (2), 409-419, 2016
A multimodal crowdsourcing framework for transcribing historical handwritten documents
E Granell, CD Martínez-Hinarejos
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 157-163, 2016
Smart collaborative system using the sensors of mobile devices for monitoring disabled and elderly people
S Sendra, E Granell, J Lloret, JJPC Rodrigues
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 6479-6483, 2012
Energy consumption of wireless network access points
S Andrade-Morelli, E Ruiz-Sánchez, E Granell, J Lloret
Green Communication and Networking: Second International Conference …, 2013
Multimodality, interactivity, and crowdsourcing for document transcription
E Granell, V Romero, CD Martínez‐Hinarejos
Computational Intelligence 34 (2), 398-419, 2018
Combining handwriting and speech recognition for transcribing historical handwritten documents
E Granell, CD Martinez-Hinarejos
2015 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition …, 2015
IEEE 802.11 g radio coverage study for indoor wireless network redesign
S Sendra, D Bri Molinero, E GRANELL ROMERO, J Lloret
International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems 5 (4), 518-532, 2012
Less is more: Efficient back-of-device tap input detection using built-in smartphone sensors
E Granell, LA Leiva
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces …, 2016
Multimodal output combination for transcribing historical handwritten documents
E Granell, CD Martínez-Hinarejos
International conference on computer analysis of images and patterns, 246-260, 2015
An interactive approach with off-line and on-line handwritten text recognition combination for transcribing historical documents
E Granell, V Romero, CD Martínez-Hinarejos
2016 12th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), 269-274, 2016
Information extraction from handwritten tables in historical documents
J Andrés, JR Prieto, E Granell, V Romero, JA Sánchez, E Vidal
International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 184-198, 2022
Reducing the human effort in text line segmentation for historical documents
E Granell, L Quirós, V Romero, JA Sánchez
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 523-537, 2021
Study of the influence of lexicon and language restrictions on computer assisted transcription of historical manuscripts
E Granell, V Romero, CD Martínez-Hinarejos
Neurocomputing 390, 12-27, 2020
Energy consumption study of network access switches to enhance energy distribution
E Granell, S Andrade-Morelli, E Ruiz-Sánchez, J Lloret
2012 IEEE Globecom Workshops, 1496-1501, 2012
Information Extraction in Handwritten Marriage Licenses Books
V Romero, A Fornés, E Granell, E Vidal, JA Sánchez
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging …, 2019
βTap: back-of-device tap input with built-in sensors
E Granell, LA Leiva
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2017
The Vicomtech-PRHLT Speech Transcription Systems for the IberSPEECH-RTVE 2018 Speech to Text Transcription Challenge.
H Arzelus, A Alvarez, C Bernath, E García, E Granell, ...
IberSPEECH, 267-271, 2018
Improving Transcription of Manuscripts with Multimodality and Interaction
E Granell, CD Martınez-Hinarejos, V Romero
networks 3, 12, 2018
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Articles 1–20