Antti Salovaara
Antti Salovaara
Senior university lecturer, Aalto University
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It's mine, don't touch!: Interactions at a large multi-touch display in a city centre
P Peltonen, E Kurvinen, A Salovaara, G Jacucci, T Ilmonen, J Evans, ...
CHI 2008 - Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human …, 2008
Sociotechnical envelopment of artificial intelligence: An approach to organizational deployment of inscrutable artificial intelligence systems
A Asatiani, P Malo, PR Nagbøl, E Penttinen, T Rinta-Kahila, A Salovaara
Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) 22 (2), 325-252, 2021
Sara, the lecturer: Improving learning in online education with a scaffolding-based conversational agent
R Winkler, S Hobert, A Salovaara, M Söllner, JM Leimeister
CHI 2020 - Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in …, 2020
Music on YouTube: User engagement with traditional, user-appropriated and derivative videos
LA Liikkanen, A Salovaara
Computers in human behavior 50, 108-124, 2015
Acceptance or appropriation? A design-oriented critique of technology acceptance models
A Salovaara, S Tamminen
Future interaction design II, Springer, 157-173, 2009
High reliability in digital organizing: Mindlessness, the frame problem, and digital operations
A Salovaara, K Lyytinen, E Penttinen
MIS Quarterly 43 (2), 2019
Extending large-scale event participation with user-created mobile media on a public display
P Peltonen, A Salovaara, G Jacucci, T Ilmonen, C Ardito, P Saarikko, ...
MUM 2007 - Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Mobile and …, 2007
Challenges of explaining the behavior of black-box AI systems
A Asatiani, P Malo, PR Nagbøl, E Penttinen, T Rinta-Kahila, A Salovaara
MIS Quarterly Executive 19 (4), 259-278, 2020
Active construction of experience through mobile media: A field study with implications for recording and sharing
G Jacucci, A Oulasvirta, A Salovaara
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11 (4), 215-234, 2007
Information technologies and transitions in the lives of 55–65-year-olds: The case of colliding life interests
A Salovaara, A Lehmuskallio, L Hedman, P Valkonen, J Näsänen
International journal of human-computer studies 68 (11), 803-821, 2010
Supporting the shared experience of spectators through mobile group media
G Jacucci, A Oulasvirta, A Salovaara, R Sarvas
GROUP 2005 - Proceedings of the 2005 international ACM SIGGROUP conference …, 2005
CoMedia: Mobile group media for active spectatorship
G Jacucci, A Oulasvirta, T Ilmonen, J Evans, A Salovaara
CHI 2007 - Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in …, 2007
On the way to understanding binge watching behavior: the over-estimated role of involvement
J Merikivi, A Salovaara, M Mäntymäki, L Zhang
Electronic Markets 28, 111-122, 2018
Six modes of proactive resource management: a user-centric typology for proactive behaviors
A Salovaara, A Oulasvirta
NordiCHI 2004 - Proceedings of the third Nordic conference on Human-computer …, 2004
Appropriation of a MMS-based comic creator: from system functionalities to resources for action
A Salovaara
CHI 2007 - Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in …, 2007
Collective creation and sense-making of mobile media
A Salovaara, G Jacucci, A Oulasvirta, T Saari, P Kanerva, E Kurvinen, ...
CHI 2006 - Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in …, 2006
Dynamic tactile guidance for visual search tasks
V Lehtinen, A Oulasvirta, A Salovaara, P Nurmi
UIST 2012 - Proceedings of the 25th annual ACM symposium on User interface …, 2012
Everyday appropriations of information technology: A study of creative uses of digital cameras
A Salovaara, S Helfenstein, A Oulasvirta
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62 …, 2011
Evaluation of Prototypes and the Problem of Possible Futures
A Salovaara, A Oulasvirta, G Jacucci
CHI 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in …, 2017
Implementation of automation as distributed cognition in knowledge work organizations: Six recommendations for managers
A Asatiani, E Penttinen, T Rinta-Kahila, A Salovaara
ICIS 2019 - Fourtieth International Conference on Information Systems, 2019
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Articles 1–20