Yakup Genc
Cited by
Cited by
GPU-based video feature tracking and matching
SN Sinha, JM Frahm, M Pollefeys, Y Genc
EDGE, workshop on edge computing using new commodity architectures 278, 4321, 2006
Systems and methods for a gaze and gesture interface
Y Genc, J Ernst, S Goose, XS Zheng
US Patent App. 13/325,361, 2013
Single-point active alignment method (SPAAM) for optical see-through HMD calibration for augmented reality
M Tuceryan, Y Genc, N Navab
Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 11 (3), 259-276, 2002
Geometric calibration of head-worn multi-camera eye tracking system
J Ernst, Y Genc
US Patent 8,957,948, 2015
Feature tracking and matching in video using programmable graphics hardware
SN Sinha, JM Frahm, M Pollefeys, Y Genc
Machine vision and applications 22, 207-217, 2011
System and method for calibrating a stereo optical see-through head-mounted display system for augmented reality
M Tuceryan, N Navab, Y Genc
US Patent 6,753,828, 2004
Marker-less tracking for AR: A learning-based approach
Y Genc, S Riedel, F Souvannavong, C Akinlar, N Navab
Proceedings. International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 295-304, 2002
Method and system for interactive virtual inspection of modeled objects
FM Davis, Y Genc, S Kabanov, RE Shannon, X Zhang
US Patent 8,477,154, 2013
Augmented reality system
N Navab, X Zhang, Y Genc, V Kumar
US Patent 7,274,380, 2007
System and method for measuring the registration accuracy of an augmented reality system
Y Genc, N Navab, M Tuceryan, E McGarrity
US Patent 7,190,331, 2007
Input devices for augmented reality applications
Y Genc, N Navab
US Patent 7,215,322, 2007
Method of coalescing information about inspected objects
FM Davis, Y Genc, RE Shannon, X Zhang
US Patent 8,244,025, 2012
Multiview paraperspective projection model for diminished reality
S Zokai, J Esteve, Y Genc, N Navab
The Second IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented …, 2003
Practical solutions for calibration of optical see-through devices
Y Genc, M Tuceryan, N Navab
Proceedings. International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 169-175, 2002
Tracking and pose estimation for augmented reality using real features
N Navab, Y Genc, V Ramesh, D Comaniciu
US Patent App. 10/188,396, 2003
Calibrating real and virtual views
F Sauer, Y Genc, N Navab
US Patent 7,369,101, 2008
Taking AR into large scale industrial environments: Navigation and information access with mobile computers
X Zhang, Y Genc, N Navab
Proceedings IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Augmented Reality, 179-180, 2001
Augmented workspace: Designing an AR testbed
F Sauer, F Wenzel, S Vogt, Y Tao, Y Genc, A Bani-Hashemi
Proceedings IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Augmented Reality (ISAR …, 2000
Fast object detection for augmented reality systems
H Najafi, Y Genc
US Patent 7,706,603, 2010
Optical see-through HMD calibration: A stereo method validated with a video see-through system
Y Genc, F Sauer, F Wenzel, M Tuceryan, N Navab
Proceedings IEEE and ACM international symposium on augmented reality (ISAR …, 2000
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Articles 1–20