R.Andrés Castañeda
R.Andrés Castañeda
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Updated estimates of the impact of COVID-19 on global poverty
DG Mahler, C Lakner, RAC Aguilar, H Wu
Internet]. World Bank, 2020
A New Profile of the Global Poor
A Castañeda, D Doan, D Newhouse, MC Nguyen, H Uematsu, ...
World Development 101, 250-267, 2018
The impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on global poverty: Why Sub-Saharan Africa might be the region hardest hit
DG Mahler, C Lakner, RAC Aguilar, H Wu
World Bank Blogs 20, 2020
How Sensitive Is Regional Poverty Measurement in Latin America to the Value of the Poverty Line?
RA Castañeda, S Garriga, L Gasparini, LR Lucchetti, D Valderrama
Economía 19 (1), 33-58, 2018
Updated estimates of the impact of COVID-19 on global poverty: Looking back at 2020 and the outlook for 2021. World Bank blogs
C Lakner, N Yonzan, DG Mahler, RA Castaneda Aguilar, H Wu
Online, 2021
Fifteen years of inequality in Latin America: how have labor markets helped?
JP Azevedo, JP Azevedo, ME Davalos, C Diaz-Bonilla, B Atuesta, ...
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2013
Costos económicos y sociales del conflicto en Colombia
MA Arias, A Camacho, AM Ibáñez, D Mejía, C Rodríguez, RA Zárate, ...
Universidad de los Andes, 2014
Nowcasting global poverty
DG Mahler, RA Castañeda Aguilar, D Newhouse
The World Bank Economic Review 36 (4), 835-856, 2022
Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2020: Reversals of Fortune
RA Castaneda Aguilar, A Cojocaru, ELA Howton, C Lakner, MC Nguyen, ...
World Bank Group, 2020
Gasto social, redistribución del ingreso y reducción de la pobreza en México: evolución y comparación con Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay
LF López-Calva, N Lustig, J Scott, A Castañeda
Commitment to Equity (CEQ) Working Paper Series, 2014
Sovereign risk and armed conflict: an event-study for colombia
A Castañeda, JF Vargas
Defence and Peace Economics 23 (2), 185-201, 2012
Estimating global poverty in stata: the povcalnet command
RAC Aguilar, C Lakner, EB Prydz, JS Lopez, R Wu, Q Zhao
Global Poverty Monitoring Technical Note Series, 2019
Estimating Global Poverty in Stata: The PovcalNet Command
RA Castaneda Aguilar, C Lakner, EB Prydz, J Soler Lopez, R Wu, Q Zhao
World Bank, 2019
September 2019 PovcalNet Update: What's New
A Atamanov, RA Castaneda Aguilar, C Diaz-Bonilla, D Jolliffe, C Lakner, ...
World Bank, 2019
The impact of COVID-19 on global poverty under worsening growth and inequality
N Yonzan, C Lakner, DG Mahler, RAC Aguilar, H Wu
World Bank Blog Post, November 9, 2020
September 2020 PovcalNet update: what’s new
RA Castaneda Aguilar, T Fujs, D Jolliffe, C Lakner, D Gerszon Mahler, ...
World Bank, 2020
The impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on global poverty: Why Sub-Saharan Africa might be the region hardest hit. World Bank Blogs
DG Mahler, C Lakner, RAC Aguilar, H Wu
April 2018 povcalnet update: What’s new
A Atamanov, JP Azevedo, RAC Aguilar, S Chen, PAC Rodas, R Dewina, ...
Global Poverty Monitoring Technical Note Series, 2018
How is the slowdown affecting households in Latin America and the Caribbean?
O Calvo‐González, R Castaneda, MG Farfán, G Reyes, L Sousa
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2017
But… What Is The Poverty Rate Today? Testing Poverty Nowcasting Methods in Latin America and the Caribbean
G Caruso, L Lucchetti, E Malasquez, T Scot, RA Castañeda
The World Bank, 2017
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Articles 1–20