Varun Ravi Kumar
Varun Ravi Kumar
PhD | Staff Engineer for Autonomous Driving, Qualcomm
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Cited by
Omnidet: Surround view cameras based multi-task visual perception network for autonomous driving
VR Kumar, S Yogamani, H Rashed, G Sitsu, C Witt, I Leang, S Milz, ...
[ICRA+RA-L] IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters + International Conference …, 2021
Syndistnet: Self-supervised monocular fisheye camera distance estimation synergized with semantic segmentation for autonomous driving
VR Kumar, M Klingner, S Yogamani, S Milz, T Fingscheidt, P Mader
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF winter conference on applications of computer …, 2021
Generalized object detection on fisheye cameras for autonomous driving: Dataset, representations and baseline
H Rashed, E Mohamed, G Sistu, VR Kumar, C Eising, A El-Sallab, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2021
Fisheyedistancenet: Self-supervised scale-aware distance estimation using monocular fisheye camera for autonomous driving
VR Kumar, SA Hiremath, M Bach, S Milz, C Witt, C Pinard, S Yogamani, ...
2020 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 574-581, 2020
Fisheyemodnet: Moving object detection on surround-view cameras for autonomous driving
M Yahiaoui, H Rashed, L Mariotti, G Sistu, I Clancy, L Yahiaoui, ...
ICCV 2019 Workshop on 360° Perception and Interaction, 2019
Surround-view fisheye camera perception for automated driving: Overview, survey & challenges
VR Kumar, C Eising, C Witt, SK Yogamani
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (4), 3638-3659, 2023
Inspect, understand, overcome: a survey of practical methods for AI safety
S Houben, S Abrecht, M Akila, A Bär, F Brockherde, P Feifel, ...
Deep Neural Networks and Data for Automated Driving, 3-78, 2022
Diagnostic and management approaches to pediatric and adolescent varicocele: a survey of pediatric urologists
AW Pastuszak, V Kumar, A Shah, DR Roth
Urology 84 (2), 450-456, 2014
Monocular fisheye camera depth estimation using sparse lidar supervision
VR Kumar, S Milz, C Witt, M Simon, K Amende, J Petzold, S Yogamani, ...
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2018
SynWoodScape: Synthetic Surround-view Fisheye Camera Dataset for Autonomous Driving
AR Sekkat, Y Dupuis, VR Kumar, H Rashed, S Yogamani, P Vasseur, ...
[IROS+RA-L] IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters + IEEE/RSJ International …, 2022
Weather and light level classification for autonomous driving: Dataset, baseline and active learning
MM Dhananjaya, VR Kumar, S Yogamani
2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC …, 2021
Let's get dirty: Gan based data augmentation for camera lens soiling detection in autonomous driving
M Uricar, G Sistu, H Rashed, A Vobecky, VR Kumar, P Krizek, F Burger, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF winter conference on applications of computer …, 2021
Unrectdepthnet: Self-supervised monocular depth estimation using a generic framework for handling common camera distortion models
VR Kumar, S Yogamani, M Bach, C Witt, S Milz, P Mäder
2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2020
SVDistNet: Self-supervised near-field distance estimation on surround view fisheye cameras
VR Kumar, M Klingner, S Yogamani, M Bach, S Milz, T Fingscheidt, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (8), 10252-10261, 2021
Near-field depth estimation using monocular fisheye camera: A semi-supervised learning approach using sparse lidar data
VR Kumar, S Milz, C Witt, M Simon, K Amende, J Petzold, S Yogamani, ...
CVPR Workshop 7, 2, 2018
FisheyeYOLO: object detection on fisheye cameras for autonomous driving
H Rashed, E Mohamed, VRK Sistu, CE Ganesh, A El-Sallab, S Yogamani
Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving NeurIPS 2020 Virtual Workshop, 2020
X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-Eye-View Segmentation
S Borse, M Klingner, VR Kumar, H Cai, A Almuzairee, S Yogamani, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2023
X3kd: Knowledge distillation across modalities, tasks and stages for multi-camera 3d object detection
M Klingner, S Borse, VR Kumar, B Rezaei, V Narayanan, S Yogamani, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Tiledsoilingnet: Tile-level soiling detection on automotive surround-view cameras using coverage metric
A Das, P Křížek, G Sistu, F Bürger, S Madasamy, M Uřičář, VR Kumar, ...
2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2020
Adversarial attacks on multi-task visual perception for autonomous driving
I Sobh, A Hamed, VR Kumar, S Yogamani
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.07449, 2021
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Articles 1–20