Predictive mapping of alpine grasslands in Switzerland: species versus community approach NE Zimmermann, F Kienast Journal of vegetation science 10 (4), 469-482, 1999 | 476 | 1999 |
Suitability criteria for measures of urban sprawl JAG Jaeger, R Bertiller, C Schwick, F Kienast Ecological indicators 10 (2), 397-406, 2010 | 465 | 2010 |
Wood anatomy of central European Species W Schoch, I Heller, FH Schweingruber, F Kienast Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, 2004 | 439 | 2004 |
Predicting the potential distribution of plant species in an alpine environment A Guisan, JP Theurillat, F Kienast Journal of Vegetation Science 9 (1), 65-74, 1998 | 434 | 1998 |
Indicators of ecosystem service potential at European scales: mapping marginal changes and trade-offs R Haines-Young, M Potschin, F Kienast Ecological Indicators 21, 39-53, 2012 | 419 | 2012 |
Mountain ecosystem services: who cares? A Grêt-Regamey, SH Brunner, F Kienast Mountain Research and Development 32 (S1), 2012 | 415 | 2012 |
Flooding tolerance of Central European tree and shrub species C Glenz, R Schlaepfer, I Iorgulescu, F Kienast Forest Ecology and Management 235 (1-3), 1-13, 2006 | 337 | 2006 |
Assessing landscape functions with broad-scale environmental data: insights gained from a prototype development for Europe F Kienast, J Bolliger, M Potschin, RS De Groot, PH Verburg, I Heller, ... Environmental management 44 (6), 1099-1120, 2009 | 334 | 2009 |
A chironomid-based Holocene summer air temperature reconstruction from the Swiss Alps O Heiri, AF Lotter, S Hausmann, F Kienast The Holocene 13 (4), 477-484, 2003 | 324 | 2003 |
Analysis of historic landscape patterns with a geographical information system—a methodological outline F Kienast Landscape ecology 8 (2), 103-118, 1993 | 312 | 1993 |
Factors influencing the acceptance of nature conservation measures—A qualitative study in Switzerland A Schenk, M Hunziker, F Kienast Journal of environmental management 83 (1), 66-79, 2007 | 291 | 2007 |
Biotic and abiotic variables show little redundancy in explaining tree species distributions ES Meier, F Kienast, PB Pearman, JC Svenning, W Thuiller, MB Araújo, ... Ecography 33 (6), 1038-1048, 2010 | 286 | 2010 |
Land use functions—a multifunctionality approach to assess the impact of land use changes on land use sustainability M Pérez-Soba, S Petit, L Jones, N Bertrand, V Briquel, L Omodei-Zorini, ... Sustainability impact assessment of land use changes, 375-404, 2008 | 281 | 2008 |
Participatory landscape development: overcoming social barriers to public involvement M Buchecker, M Hunziker, F Kienast Landscape and urban planning 64 (1-2), 29-46, 2003 | 280 | 2003 |
Potential impacts of changing agricultural activities on scenic beauty–a prototypical technique for automated rapid assessment M Hunziker, F Kienast Landscape ecology 14 (2), 161-176, 1999 | 263 | 1999 |
Multi-scale analysis of urban sprawl in Europe: Towards a European de-sprawling strategy EI Hennig, C Schwick, T Soukup, E Orlitová, F Kienast, JAG Jaeger Land Use Policy 49, 483-498, 2015 | 257 | 2015 |
A simulated map of the potential natural forest vegetation of Switzerland B Brzeziecki, F Kienast, O Wildi Journal of Vegetation Science 4 (4), 499-508, 1993 | 255 | 1993 |
GIS-assisted mapping of landscape suitability for nearby recreation F Kienast, B Degenhardt, B Weilenmann, Y Wäger, M Buchecker Landscape and Urban Planning 105 (4), 385-399, 2012 | 253 | 2012 |
Classifying the life-history strategies of trees on the basis of the Grimian model B Brzeziecki, F Kienast Forest Ecology and management 69 (1-3), 167-187, 1994 | 248 | 1994 |
Evaluation of landscape change by different social groups M Hunziker, P Felber, K Gehring, M Buchecker, N Bauer, F Kienast Mountain research and development 28 (2), 140-148, 2008 | 238 | 2008 |