Nima Vaziri
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Cited by
Critical heat flux prediction by using radial basis function and multilayer perceptron neural networks: a comparison study
N Vaziri, A Hojabri, A Erfani, M Monsefi, B Nilforooshan
Nuclear engineering and design 237 (4), 377-385, 2007
Pseudospectral solution of three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a shallow water rectangular tank
MJ Chern, N Vaziri, S Syamsuri, AGL Borthwick
Journal of Fluids and Structures 35, 160-184, 2012
SPH model for interaction of sloshing wave with obstacle in shallow water tank
MJ Chern, N Vaziri
Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences 34 (2), 126-138, 2022
Effect of porous media on hydraulic jump characteristics by using smooth particle hydrodynamics method
Syamsuri, MJ Chern, N Vaziri
International Journal of Civil Engineering 18 (3), 367-379, 2020
Vertical-axis wind turbine blade-shape optimization using a genetic algorithm and direct-forcing immersed boundary method
MJ Chern, D Goytom Tewolde, CC Kao, N Vaziri
Journal of Energy Engineering 147 (2), 04020091, 2021
Fully non-linear simulation of second-order resonance in a three-dimensional tank using the PSME method
MJ Chern, N Vaziri, AGL Borthwick
Applied Ocean Research 37, 22-32, 2012
The effects of magnetic-field direction and magnitude on forced convection of aluminum oxide–water nanofluid over a circular cylinder
A Nikelham, V Enjilela, N Vaziri, ZP Moziraji
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 173, 107398, 2022
Effects of base aspect ratio on transient resonant fluid sloshing in a rectangular tank: A numerical study
N Vaziri, MJ Chern, AGL Borthwick
Ocean Engineering 105, 112-124, 2015
A pseudospectral σ-transformation model of solitary waves in a tank with uneven bed
N Vaziri, MJ Chern, AGL Borthwick
Computers & fluids 49 (1), 197-202, 2011
MJ Chern, V Lanin, M Sarker, N Vaziri
ORIC Publications, 2014
Simulation of dynamic stall using direct-forcing immersed boundary method at low Reynolds number
N Vaziri, MJ Chern, TL Horng
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 90 (5), 869-876, 2018
Simulation of dielectric barrier discharge actuator at low Reynolds number
N Vaziri, MJ Chern, TL Horng, S Syamsuri
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 92 (4), 571-578, 2020
Schlieren flow visualization of helium atmospheric plasma jet and influence of the gas flow rate and applied voltage frequency
SM Borghei, N Vaziri, S Alibabaei
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 992 (1), 012005, 2018
PSME model of parametric excitation of two-layer liquid in a tank
N Vaziri, MJ Chern, AGL Borthwick
Applied Ocean Research 43, 214-222, 2013
Preparation and Evaluation of an Efficient Si-CNT Anode Decorated with Sn for Lithium-Ion Batteries
SA Sadatian Abkenar, SM Borghei, M Monsefi, N Vaziri
Journal of Electronic Materials 52 (4), 2257-2263, 2023
Low pressure mercury–argon electrodeless fluorescent lamp simulation using the finite volume method
N Vaziri
Plasma Science and Technology 20 (10), 105403, 2018
Signal Prediction in the LOCA Using Elman Recurrent Neural Networks
N Vaziri, A Erfani, B Nilforooshan
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations 1 (7), 1-4, 2012
Developing an Efficient Anode for Li-Ion Batteries Based on Vertically-Aligned CNTs Decorated with Sn-Ni Alloy
SAS Abkenar, SM Borghei, M Monsefi, F Hajakbari, N Vaziri
Brazilian Journal of Physics 54 (5), 177, 2024
The forced convection of alumina-water nanofluid over three staggered circular cylinder on the effect of magnetic field
A Nikelham, V Enjilela, N Vaziri, Z Poolaei Moziraji
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Vibration 12 (1), 26-35, 2021
Base aspect ratio effects on resonant fluid sloshing in a rectangular tank
N Vaziri, MJ Chern
Applied Mechanics and Materials 836, 60-66, 2016
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Articles 1–20