Anders Dalsgard
Anders Dalsgard
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Use of veterinary medicines, feed additives and probiotics in four major internationally traded aquaculture species farmed in Asia
A Rico, TM Phu, K Satapornvanit, J Min, AM Shahabuddin, ...
Aquaculture 412, 231-243, 2013
Prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus among staff and pets in a small animal referral hospital in the UK
A Loeffler, AK Boag, J Sung, JA Lindsay, L Guardabassi, A Dalsgaard, ...
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 56 (4), 692-697, 2005
Antibiotic Resistance in Acinetobacterspp. Isolated from Sewers Receiving Waste Effluent from a Hospital and a Pharmaceutical Plant
L Guardabassi, A Petersen, JE Olsen, A Dalsgaard
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 64 (9), 3499-3502, 1998
Impact of integrated fish farming on antimicrobial resistance in a pond environment
A Petersen, JS Andersen, T Kaewmak, T Somsiri, A Dalsgaard
Applied and environmental microbiology 68 (12), 6036-6042, 2002
The effects of tertiary wastewater treatment on the prevalence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria
L Guardabassi, DMALF Wong, A Dalsgaard
Water Research 36 (8), 1955-1964, 2002
Occurrence of Vibrio vulnificus Biotypes in Danish Marine Environments
L Høi, JL Larsen, I Dalsgaard, A Dalsgaard
Applied and environmental microbiology 64 (1), 7-13, 1998
Distribution and in-vitro transfer of tetracycline resistance determinants in clinical and aquatic Acinetobacter strains
L Guardabassi, L Dijkshoorn, JM Collard, JE Olsen, A Dalsgaard
Journal of medical microbiology 49 (10), 929-936, 2000
Domestic transmission routes of pathogens: The problem of in‐house contamination of drinking water during storage in developing countries
PK Jensen, JHJ Ensink, G Jayasinghe, W Van Der Hoek, S Cairncross, ...
Tropical Medicine & International Health 7 (7), 604-609, 2002
Distribution and Content of Class 1 Integrons in Different Vibrio cholerae O-Serotype Strains Isolated in Thailand
A Dalsgaard, A Forslund, O Serichantalergs, D Sandvang
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 44 (5), 1315-1321, 2000
Clinical manifestations and molecular epidemiology ofVibrio vulnificus infections in Denmark
A Dalsgaard, N Frimodt-Møller, B Bruun, L Høi, JL Larsen
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 15, 227-232, 1996
High prevalence of Ancylostoma ceylanicum hookworm infections in humans, Cambodia, 2012
T Inpankaew, F Schär, A Dalsgaard, V Khieu, W Chimnoi, C Chhoun, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 20 (6), 976, 2014
The food-borne trematode zoonoses of Vietnam.
NV De, KD Murrell, PD Cam, ND Toan, A Dalsgaard
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 34, 12-34, 2003
Fishborne zoonotic intestinal trematodes, Vietnam
N Van De, J Waikagul, A Dalsgaard, JY Chai, WM Sohn, KD Murrell
Emerging Infectious Diseases 13 (12), 1828, 2007
Pesticide Use and Self‐Reported Symptoms of Acute Pesticide Poisoning among Aquatic Farmers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
HK Jensen, F Konradsen, E Jørs, JH Petersen, A Dalsgaard
Journal of toxicology 2011 (1), 639814, 2011
Vibrio cholerae O1 outbreak isolates in Mozambique and South Africa in 1998 are multiple-drug resistant, contain the SXT element and the aadA2 gene located on …
A Dalsgaard, A Forslund, D Sandvang, L Arntzen, K Keddy
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 48 (6), 827-838, 2001
Characterization of Vibrio cgolerae non-O1 serogroups obtained from an outbreak of diarrhea in Lima, Peru
A Dalsgaard, MJ Albert, DN Taylor, T Shimada, R Meza, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 33 (10), 2715-2722, 1995
Clinical and Environmental Isolates of Vibrio cholerae Serogroup O141 Carry the CTX Phage and the Genes Encoding the Toxin-Coregulated Pili
A Dalsgaard, O Serichantalergs, A Forslund, W Lin, J Mekalanos, E Mintz, ...
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 39 (11), 4086-4092, 2001
The prevalence and diversity of intestinal parasitic infections in humans and domestic animals in a rural Cambodian village
F Schär, T Inpankaew, RJ Traub, V Khieu, A Dalsgaard, W Chimnoi, ...
Parasitology international 63 (4), 597-603, 2014
Prevalence and characterization of plasmids carrying sulfonamide resistance genes among Escherichia coli from pigs, pig carcasses and human
S Wu, A Dalsgaard, AM Hammerum, LJ Porsbo, LB Jensen
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 52, 1-7, 2010
Practices and factors influencing the use of antibiotics in selected poultry farms in Ghana
VE Boamah, C Agyare, H Odoi, A Dalsgaard
Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 2016
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