Julian Williams
Julian Williams
Professor of Accounting and Finance, Durham University
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Cited by
Liquidity spillovers in sovereign bond and CDS markets: An analysis of the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis
G Calice, J Chen, J Williams
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 85, 122-143, 2013
Information security trade-offs and optimal patching policies
C Ioannidis, D Pym, J Williams
European Journal of Operational Research 216 (2), 434-444, 2012
Contagion in cyber security attacks
A Baldwin, I Gheyas, C Ioannidis, D Pym, J Williams
Journal of the Operational Research Society 68 (7), 780-791, 2017
Investments and trade-offs in the economics of information security
C Ioannidis, D Pym, J Williams
International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, 148-166, 2009
Asset securitizations and bank stability: evidence from different banking systems
O Abdelsalam, M Elnahass, H Ahmed, J Williams
Global finance journal 51, 100551, 2022
FuturesMEX: secure, distributed futures market exchange
F Massacci, CN Ngo, J Nie, D Venturi, J Williams
2018 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 335-353, 2018
June: open-source individual-based epidemiology simulation
J Aylett-Bullock, C Cuesta-Lazaro, A Quera-Bofarull, M Icaza-Lizaola, ...
Royal Society open science 8 (7), 210506, 2021
Fixed costs, investment rigidities, and risk aversion in information security: A utility-theoretic approach
C Ioannidis, D Pym, J Williams
Economics of Information Security and Privacy III, 171-191, 2013
Credit derivatives and the default risk of large complex financial institutions
G Calice, C Ioannidis, J Williams
Journal of Financial Services Research 42, 85-107, 2012
Sustainability in information stewardship: Time preferences, externalities, and social co-ordination
C Ioannidis, D Pym, J Williams
RN 14, 15, 2014
The face-symbol test and the symbol-digit test are not reliable surrogates for the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test in multiple sclerosis
J Williams, K O’Rourke, M Hutchinson, N Tubridy
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 12 (5), 599-604, 2006
The work‐averse cyberattacker model: theory and evidence from two million attack signatures
L Allodi, F Massacci, J Williams
Risk Analysis 42 (8), 1623-1642, 2022
The seconomics (security-economics) vulnerabilities of decentralized autonomous organizations
F Massacci, CN Ngo, J Nie, D Venturi, J Williams
Security Protocols XXV: 25th International Workshop, Cambridge, UK, March 20 …, 2017
Regulatory changes, market integration and spillover effects in the Chinese A, B and Hong Kong equity markets
J Chen, R Buckland, J Williams
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 19 (4), 351-373, 2011
Economic impacts of rules-versus risk-based cybersecurity regulations for critical infrastructure providers
F Massacci, R Ruprai, M Collinson, J Williams
IEEE Security & Privacy 14 (3), 52-60, 2016
Knowledge protection in firms: A conceptual framework and evidence from HP Labs
K Elliott, A Patacconi, J Swierzbinski, J Williams
European Management Review 16 (1), 179-193, 2019
IT interdependence and the economic fairness of cybersecurity regulations for civil aviation
M De Gramatica, F Massacci, W Shim, A Tedeschi, J Williams
IEEE Security & Privacy 13 (5), 52-61, 2015
Method and apparatus for distributed, privacy-preserving and integrity-preserving exchange, inventory and order book
F Massacci, CN Ngo, J Nie, D Venturi, JM Williams
US Patent 11,170,439, 2021
Practical witness-key-agreement for blockchain-based dark pools financial trading
CN Ngo, F Massacci, F Kerschbaum, J Williams
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 25th International Conference, FC …, 2021
Are there benefits to being naked? the returns and diversification impact of capital structure arbitrage
G Calice, J Chen, JM Williams
Contemporary Issues in Financial Institutions and Markets, 5-30, 2016
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Articles 1–20