Irani Arraiz
Irani Arraiz
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A spatial Cliff‐Ord‐type model with heteroskedastic innovations: Small and large sample results
I Arraiz, DM Drukker, HH Kelejian, IR Prucha
Journal of Regional Science 50 (2), 592-614, 2010
Supplier development programs and firm performance: evidence from Chile
I Arráiz, F Henríquez, R Stucchi
Small Business Economics 41, 277-293, 2013
Partial credit guarantees and firm performance: evidence from Colombia
I Arráiz, M Meléndez, R Stucchi
Small Business Economics 43, 711-724, 2014
The impact of soft-skills training for entrepreneurs in Jamaica
D Ubfal, I Arraiz, DW Beuermann, M Frese, A Maffioli, D Verch
World Development 152, 105787, 2022
Psychometrics as a tool to improve credit information
I Arráiz, M Bruhn, R Stucchi
The World Bank Economic Review 30 (Supplement_1), S67-S76, 2017
From candles to light: the impact of rural electrification
I Arraiz, C Calero
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
Time to share the load: gender differences in household responsibilities and business profitability
I Arráiz
Small Business Economics 51 (1), 57-84, 2018
Psychometrics as a tool to improve screening and access to credit
I Arráiz, M Bruhn, R Stucchi
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2015
Less is more: Experimental evidence on heuristic-based business training in Ecuador
I Arraiz, S Bhanot, C Calero
Inter-American Development Bank, Development through the Private Sector Series, 2019
Are psychometric tools a viable screening method for small and medium-size enterprise lending? Evidence from Peru
I Arraiz, M Bruhn, C Ruiz Ortega, R Stucchi
Evidence from Peru (December 14, 2017). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2017
Same bureaucracy, different outcomes in human capital? How indigenous and rural non-indigenous areas in Panama responded to the CCT
I Arraiz, S Rozo
How Indigenous and Rural Non-Indigenous Areas in Panama Responded to the CCT …, 2011
Default, settlement, and repayment history: A unified model of sovereign debt
I Arráiz
Available at SSRN 1455163, 2006
Default and Settlement: Payment Resumption and Disclosure of Information
I Arráiz
Available at SSRN 1455165, 2006
Borrower leakage from costly screening: Evidence from SME lending in Peru
I Arráiz, M Bruhn, BN Roth, C Ruiz-Ortega, R Stucchi
Journal of Development Economics 153, 102719, 2021
Free Riding in Loan Approvals: Evidence from SME Lending in Peru
I Arraiz, M Bruhn, B Roth, C Ruiz Ortega, R Stucchi
Harvard Business School Entrepreneurial Management Working Paper, 2019
Planting the seeds: The impact of training on mango producers in Haiti
I Arráiz, C Calero, S Jin, A Peralta
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
From Candles to Light
I Arraiz, K CALERO
The impact of rural electrification, 2015
Implementation and Impact Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Support Services in Jamaica
D Ubfal, I Arráiz, D Beuermann, M Frese, A Maffioli, D Verch
Inter-American Development Bank, 2021
When the context backfires: Experimental evidence on Reciprocity
I Arráiz, SP Bhanot, C Calero
Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy 4 (1), 29, 2020
Free Riding in Loan Approvals
I Arraiz, M Bruhn, BN Roth, C Ruiz-Ortega, R Stucchi
Development Research, 2019
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Articles 1–20