John Clibbens
John Clibbens
Emeritus Professor of Developmental Psychology, Birmingham City University
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Bias in conditional inference: Implications for mental models and mental logic
J St. BT Evans, J Clibbens, B Rood
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (3), 644-670, 1995
The social context of early sign language development
M Harris, J Clibbens, J Chasin, R Tibbitts
First language 9 (25), 81-97, 1989
The role of implicit and explicit negation in conditional reasoning bias
JSBT Evans, J Clibbens, B Rood
Journal of Memory and Language 35 (3), 392-409, 1996
Signing and lexical development in children with Down syndrome
J Clibbens
Down Syndrome Research and Practice 7 (3), 101-105, 2001
Explicit and implicit processes in multicue judgment
JSBT Evans, J Clibbens, A Cattani, A Harris, I Dennis
Memory & Cognition 31 (4), 608-618, 2003
Numerical ability, general ability and language in children with Down syndrome
J Nye, J Clibbens, G Bird
Down syndrome research and practice 3 (3), 92-102, 1995
Preliminaries to a comprehensive model of augmentative and alternative communication
S Von Tetzchner, N Grove, F Loncke, S Barnett, B Woll, J Clibbens
Augmentative and alternative communication: European perspectives, 19-36, 1996
Communication and self‐esteem in adults with Down syndrome
C Jackson, P Cavenagh, J Clibbens
International journal of language & communication disorders 49 (3), 275-287, 2014
Strategies for achieving joint attention when signing to children with Down's syndrome
J Clibbens, GG Powell, E Atkinson
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 37 (3), 309-323, 2002
Background beliefs and evidence interpretation
A Feeney, JSBT Evans, J Clibbens
Thinking & reasoning 6 (2), 97-124, 2000
Visual memory for shapes in deaf signers and nonsigners and in hearing signers and nonsigners: atypical lateralization and enhancement.
A Cattani, J Clibbens, TJ Perfect
Neuropsychology 21 (1), 114, 2007
Actions speak louder than words: signing and speech intelligibility in adults with Down syndrome
G Powell, J Clibbens
Down Syndrome Research and Practice 2 (3), 127-129, 1994
Phonological processes and sign language development
J Clibbens, M Harris
Critical influences on child language acquisition and development, 197-208, 1993
Atypical lateralization of memory for location: Effects of deafness and sign language use
A Cattani, J Clibbens
Brain and cognition 58 (2), 226-239, 2005
Communication between deaf mothers and their deaf infants
M Harris, J Clibbens, R Tibbits, J Chasin
First Language 7 (21), 237-238, 1987
Perspective shifts on the selection task: Reasoning or relevance?
BT Evans, J Clibbens
Thinking & Reasoning 1 (4), 315-371, 1995
Where's the orange? Geometric and extra-geometric influences on English children's descriptions of spatial locations
LV Richards, KR Coventry, J Clibbens
Journal of Child Language 31 (1), 153-175, 2004
Prior belief and polarity in multicue learning
JSBT Evans, J Clibbens, A Harris
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 58 (4), 651-665, 2005
From theory to practice in child language development
J Clibbens
Down Syndrome Research and Practice 1 (3), 101-106, 1993
Preventive therapy and resilience promotion: An evaluation of social work led skills development group work
M Sheppard, J Clibbens
Child & Family Social Work 20 (3), 288-299, 2015
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Articles 1–20