Jordan W. Smith
Jordan W. Smith
Director, Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Utah State University
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Cited by
Continental scale quantification of landscape values using social media data
B van Zanten, D van Berkel, RK Meentemeyer, JW Smith, KF Tieskens, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (46), 12974–12979, 2016
An integrative review of sport-based youth development literature
GJ Jones, MB Edwards, JN Bocarro, KS Bunds, JW Smith
Sport in Society, 2016
Social capital, place meanings, and perceived resilience to climate change
JW Smith, DH Anderson, RL Moore
Rural Sociology 77 (3), 380-407, 2012
Community/agency trust and public involvement in resource planning
JW Smith, JE Leahy, DH Anderson, MA Davenport
Society & Natural Resources 26 (4), 452-471, 2012
Uses and limitations of social media to inform visitor use management in parks and protected areas: A systematic review
EJ Wilkins, SA Wood, JW Smith
Environmental Management 67, 120-132, 2021
Immersive virtual environment technology to supplement environmental perception, preference and behavior research: A review with applications
JW Smith
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12 (9 …, 2015
Place meanings and desired management outcomes
JW Smith, MA Davenport, DH Anderson, JE Leahy
Landscape and Urban Planning 101 (4), 359-370, 2011
Collaborative advantages: The role of inter-organizational partnerships for youth sport non-profit organizations
GJ Jones, MB Edwards, JN Bocarro, JW Smith, KS Bunds
Journal of Sport Management 31 (2), 148-160, 2017
An exploratory study of perceived safety in a neighborhood park using immersive virtual environments
PK Baran, P Tabrizian, YJ Zhai, JW Smith, MF Floyd
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 2018
The effects of place attachment, hypothetical site modifications and use levels on recreation behavior
JW Smith, C Siderelis, RL Moore
Journal of Leisure Research 42 (4), 621-640, 2010
Forecasting water demand across a rapidly urbanizing region
GM Sanchez, A Terando, JW Smith, AM García, CR Wagner, ...
Science of the Total Environment 730, 139050, 2020
Leveraging community sport organizations to promote community capacity: Strategic outcomes, challenges, and theoretical considerations
GJ Jones, MB Edwards, JN Bocarro, KS Bunds, JW Smith
Sport Management Review 21 (3), 279-292, 2018
Aboveground carbon loss associated with the spread of ghost forests and sea level rise
LS Smart, PJ Taillie, B Poulter, J Vukomanovic, KK Singh, JJ Swenson, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (10), 104028, 2020
Bonding and bridging forms of social capital in wildlife tourism microentrepreneurship: An application of social network analysis
B KC, DB Morais, E Seekamp, JW Smith, MN Peterson
Sustainability 10, 315, 2018
Identifying alternate pathways for climate change to impact inland recreational fishers
LM Hunt, EP Fenichel, DC Fulton, R Mendelsohn, JW Smith, TD Tunney, ...
Fisheries 41 (7), 362-372, 2016
A structural perspective of cross-sector partnerships involving youth sport non-profit organizations
GJ Jones, MB Edwards, JN Bocarro, KS Bunds, JW Smith
European Sport Management Quarterly, 2017
Community resilience in Southern Appalachia: A theoretical framework and three case studies
JW Smith, RL Moore, DH Anderson, C Siderelis
Human Ecology 40 (3), 341-353, 2012
Motivations for recreating on farmlands, private forests, and state or national parks
S Sotomayor, C Barbieri, SW Stanis, FX Aguilar, JW Smith
Environmental Management 54 (1), 138-150, 2014
The urban growth machine, central place theory and access to open space
JW Smith, MF Floyd
City, Culture and Society 4 (2), 87-98, 2013
Predictors of visitors’ climate-related coping behaviors in a nature-based tourism destination
A McCreary, E Seekamp, LL Larson, JW Smith, MA Davenport
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 26, 23-33, 2019
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Articles 1–20