Robert E. Kopp
Cited by
Cited by
Estimating economic damage from climate change in the United States
S Hsiang, R Kopp, A Jina, J Rising, M Delgado, S Mohan, DJ Rasmussen, ...
Science 356 (6345), 1362-1369, 2017
Ocean, cryosphere and sea level change
B Fox-Kemper
AGU fall meeting abstracts 2021, U13B-09, 2021
Probabilistic 21st and 22nd century sea‐level projections at a global network of tide‐gauge sites
RE Kopp, RM Horton, CM Little, JX Mitrovica, M Oppenheimer, ...
Earth's future 2 (8), 383-406, 2014
Climate science special report: Fourth national climate assessment (NCA4), Volume I
DJ Wuebbles, DW Fahey, KA Hibbard, JR Arnold, B DeAngelo, S Doherty, ...
USGCRP, 2017
Probabilistic assessment of sea level during the last interglacial stage
RE Kopp, FJ Simons, JX Mitrovica, AC Maloof, M Oppenheimer
Nature 462 (7275), 863-867, 2009
Technical summary
PA Arias, N Bellouin, E Coppola, RG Jones, G Krinner, J Marotzke, V Naik, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Cenozoic sea-level and cryospheric evolution from deep-sea geochemical and continental margin records
KG Miller, JV Browning, WJ Schmelz, RE Kopp, GS Mountain, JD Wright
Science advances 6 (20), eaaz1346, 2020
Global and regional sea level rise scenarios for the United States
WV Sweet, RE Kopp, CP Weaver, J Obeysekera, RM Horton, ER Thieler, ...
The Paleoproterozoic snowball Earth: a climate disaster triggered by the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis
RE Kopp, JL Kirschvink, IA Hilburn, CZ Nash
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (32), 11131-11136, 2005
Probabilistic reanalysis of twentieth-century sea-level rise
CC Hay, E Morrow, RE Kopp, JX Mitrovica
Nature 517 (7535), 481-484, 2015
Emergent risks and key vulnerabilities
M Oppenheimer, M Campos, R Warren, J Birkmann, G Luber, B O’Neill, ...
Climate change 2014 impacts, adaptation and vulnerability: part a: global …, 2015
Ice sheet contributions to future sea-level rise from structured expert judgment
JL Bamber, M Oppenheimer, RE Kopp, WP Aspinall, RM Cooke
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (23), 11195-11200, 2019
Valuing the global mortality consequences of climate change accounting for adaptation costs and benefits
T Carleton, A Jina, M Delgado, M Greenstone, T Houser, S Hsiang, ...
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 137 (4), 2037-2105, 2022
Climate Change 2021: the physical science basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; technical summary
P Arias, N Bellouin, E Coppola, R Jones, G Krinner, J Marotzke, V Naik, ...
Temperature-driven global sea-level variability in the Common Era
RE Kopp, AC Kemp, K Bittermann, BP Horton, JP Donnelly, WR Gehrels, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (11), E1434-E1441, 2016
IPCC reasons for concern regarding climate change risks
BC O'neill, M Oppenheimer, R Warren, S Hallegatte, RE Kopp, ...
Nature Climate Change 7 (1), 28-37, 2017
IPCC, 2023: Climate change 2023: synthesis report. Contribution of working groups I
K Calvin, D Dasgupta, G Krinner, A Mukherji, PW Thorne, C Trisos, ...
II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on …, 2023
Evolving understanding of Antarctic ice‐sheet physics and ambiguity in probabilistic sea‐level projections
RE Kopp, RM DeConto, DA Bader, CC Hay, RM Horton, S Kulp, ...
Earth's Future 5 (12), 1217-1233, 2017
Concepts and Terminology for Sea Level: Mean, Variability and Change, Both Local and Global
JM Gregory, SMG Griffies, CW Hughes, JA Lowe, JA Church, I Fukimori, ...
The Paris Climate Agreement and future sea-level rise from Antarctica
RM DeConto, D Pollard, RB Alley, I Velicogna, E Gasson, N Gomez, ...
Nature 593 (7857), 83-89, 2021
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Articles 1–20