A. Gizem Mutlu
Cited by
Cited by
Critical assessment of extracellular polymeric substances extraction methods from mixed culture biomass
C Pellicer-Nŕcher, C Domingo-Félez, AG Mutlu, BF Smets
Water research 47 (15), 5564-5574, 2013
Aeration strategies to mitigate nitrous oxide emissions from single-stage nitritation/anammox reactors
C Domingo-Félez, AG Mutlu, MM Jensen, BF Smets
Environmental science & technology 48 (15), 8679-8687, 2014
Calibration and validation of a model describing complete autotrophic nitrogen removal in a granular SBR system
AK Vangsgaard, AG Mutlu, KV Gernaey, BF Smets, G Sin
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 88 (11), 2007-2015, 2013
An operational protocol for facilitating start-up of single-stage autotrophic nitrogen-removing reactors based on process stoichiometry
AG Mutlu, AK Vangsgaard, G Sin, BF Smets
Water Science and Technology 68 (3), 514-521, 2013
First full-scale combined MBBR, coagulation, flocculation, Discfilter plant with phosphorus removal in France
P Kängsepp, M Sjölin, AG Mutlu, B Teil, C Pellicer-Nŕcher
Water Practice and Technology 15 (1), 19-27, 2020
Management of microbial community composition, architecture and performance in autotrophic nitrogen removing bioreactors through aeration regimes
AG Mutlu
Technical University of Denmark, Department of Environmental Engineering, 2015
Architecture evolution of biomass aggregates in single stage nitritation/anammox reactors
AG Mutlu, AK Vangsgaard, MM Jensen, BF Smets
14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology–ISME14 19, 24, 2012
Efficient management of the nitritation-anammox microbiome through intermittent aeration: absence of the NOB guild and expansion and diversity of the NOx reducing guild …
A Palomo, D Azevedo, M Touceda-Suárez, C Domingo-Félez, AG Mutlu, ...
Environmental Microbiome 17 (1), 1-11, 2022
Corrigendum to “Decay Experiments of Effective N-Removing Microbial Communities in Sequencing Batch Reactors”
C Lv, L Ming, S Zhong, J Wang, W Lei, AG Mutlu, BF Smets
Journal of Chemistry 2018, 2018
Nitrous Oxide and Nitric Oxide Emissions From Single-Stage Nitritation/Anammox Reactors Under Varying Aeration Regimes
AG Mutlu, CD Felez, AK Vangsgaard, BF Smets
86th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference …, 2013
Driving towards stratified aggregation in single-stage nitritation/anammox reactors by varying aeration regimes
AG Mutlu, AK Vangsgaard, L Chen, CD Felez, G Sin, BF Smets
IWA 9th international Conference on Biofilm Reactors, 2013
Modelling N2O dynamics in the engineered N cycle: Observations, assumptions, knowns, and unknowns
BF Smets, CP i Nŕcher, MM Jensen, E Ramin, B Plósz, CD Felez, ...
ICON3: 3rd international conference on Nitrification, 2013
Diversity of total and functional microbiome of anammox reactors fed with complex and synthetic nitrogen-rich wastewaters
A Gülay, CP i Nŕcher, AG Mutlu, MM Jensen, S Vlaeminck, S Lackner, ...
ICON3: 3rd international conference on Nitrification, 2013
Performance of an autotrophic nitrogen removing reactor: Diagnosis through fuzzy logic
AK Vangsgaard, MM Iglesias, AG Mutlu, K Gernaey, BF Smets, G Sin
11th IWA conference on instrumentation control and automation, 2013
Energibesparende biologisk proces til kvćlstoffjernelse i spildevand
AK Vangsgaard, K Gernaey, G Sin, AG Mutlu, BF Smets
Dansk Kemi 93 (10), 16-18, 2012
Micro2-Managed Microbial Communities: Next Generation Environmental Bio/Technologies
BF Smets, AG Mutlu, CP i Nŕcher, MM Jensen, AK Vangsgaard, G Sin, ...
1st International Symposium on Microbial resource management in …, 2011
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Articles 1–16