Cosmo Strozza
Cosmo Strozza
Postdoc at Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics
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Cited by
Monitoring trends and differences in COVID-19 case fatality rates using decomposition methods: Contributions of age structure and age-specific fatality
C Dudel, T Riffe, E Acosta, AA van Raalte, C Strozza, M Myrskyla
PLoS ONE 15 (9), 2020
Data Resource Profile: COVerAGE-DB: a global demographic database of COVID-19 cases and deaths
T Riffe, E Acosta, C Strozza, the COVerAGE-DB team
International Journal of Epidemiology 50 (2), 390-390f, 2021
Prevalence and risk factors of violence by psychiatric acute inpatients: Systematic review and meta-analysis—A 2019 update
E di Giacomo, L Iozzino, C Ferrari, C Strozza, M Large, O Nielssen, ...
Violence and mental disorders, 181-202, 2020
Regularities in human mortality after age 105
JA Alvarez, F Villavicencio, C Strozza, CG Camarda
PloS one 16 (7), e0253940, 2021
Stratification in health and survival after age 100: evidence from Danish centenarians
JA Alvarez, A Medford, C Strozza, M Thinggaard, K Christensen
BMC geriatrics 21, 1-10, 2021
L'Italia longeva: dinamiche e diseguaglianze della sopravvivenza a cavallo di due secoli
G Caselli, V Egidi, C Strozza
Il mulino, 2021
Socioeconomic inequalities in survival to retirement age: A register-based analysis
C Strozza, S Vigezzi, J Callaway, I Kashnitsky, A Aleksandrovs, ...
OSF, 2022
Gender and educational inequalities in disability-free life expectancy among older adults living in Italian regions
M Moretti, C Strozza
Demographic Research 47, 919-934, 2022
Understanding health deterioration and the dynamic relationship between physical ability and cognition among a cohort of Danish nonagenarians
C Strozza, V Zarulli, V Egidi
Journal of Aging Research 2020 (1), 4704305, 2020
The impact of COVID-19 on life expectancy across socioeconomic groups in Denmark
C Strozza, S Vigezzi, J Callaway, JM Aburto
Population health metrics 22 (1), 3, 2024
Health profiles and socioeconomic characteristics of nonagenarians residing in Mugello, a rural area in Tuscany (Italy)
C Strozza, P Pasqualetti, V Egidi, C Loreti, F Vannetti, C Macchi, L Padua
BMC geriatrics 20, 1-11, 2020
Positive and negative syndrome scale in forensic patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis
C Buizza, C Strozza, G Sbravati, G de Girolamo, C Ferrari, L Iozzino, ...
Annals of General Psychiatry 21 (1), 36, 2022
Sex-differences in excess death risk during the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of the first wave across Italian regions. What have we learned?
S Rizzi, C Strozza, V Zarulli
Genus 78 (1), 24, 2022
Differences in mortality before retirement: The role of living arrangements and marital status
S Vigezzi, C Strozza
Demographic Research 50, 515-546, 2024
Self-assessment of health: how socioeconomic, functional, and emotional dimensions influence self-rated health among Italian nonagenarians
C Strozza, V Egidi, F Vannetti, F Cecchi, C Macchi, P Pasqualetti
Quality & Quantity, 1-17, 2023
Modeling and forecasting healthy life expectancy with Compositional Data Analysis
MP Bergeron-Boucher, C Strozza, V Simonacci, J Oeppen
SocArXiv, 2022
Inequalities in lifespan and mortality risk in the US, 2015–2019: a cross-sectional analysis of subpopulations by social determinants of health
MP Bergeron-Boucher, J Callaway, C Strozza, J Oeppen
BMJ open 14 (6), e079534, 2024
Mortality inequalities at retirement age between migrants and non-migrants in Denmark and Sweden
J Callaway, C Strozza, S Drefahl, E Mussino, I Kashnitsky
Demographic Research 50, 473-502, 2024
Ageing and diversity: Inequalities in longevity and health in low-mortality countries
C Strozza, V Egidi, MR Testa, G Caselli
Demographic Research 50, 347-376, 2024
Le adozioni nel Lazio nell’anno del COVID (2020)
C Strozza, S Strozza
Le crisi adottive: una opportunità, 30-51, 2022
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Articles 1–20