Marta Gómez Domingo
Marta Gómez Domingo
Professora colˇlaboradora a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
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Cited by
Cited by
Exploring the use of educational technology in primary education: Teachers' perception of mobile technology learning impacts and applications' use in the classroom
MG Domingo, AB Garganté
Computers in Human Behavior 56, 21-28, 2016
Teachers’ perceptions of the use of Moodle activities and their learning impact in secondary education
A Badia, D Martín, M Gómez
Technology, Knowledge and Learning 24, 483-499, 2019
Four types of teachers’ voices on critical incidents in teaching
A Badia, L Becerril, M Gómez
Teacher Development 25 (2), 120-135, 2021
Percepciones de los estudiantes sobre el uso de booktrailers para fomentar el hábito lector y desarrollar la competencia digital en la educación primaria
M Gómez Domingo, P Bárcena-Toyos
Investigaciones sobre Lectura, 2022
Students' perceptions of the use of book trailers to promote reading habits and develop digital competence in primary education
M Gómez Domingo, P Bárcena Toyos
Universidad de Málaga, 2022
Emotion in online gamification. A case study with pre-service primary school teachers
MT Cespón, MG Domingo
2021 XI International Conference on Virtual Campus (JICV), 1-3, 2021
Improvement of secondary education student's information problem solving skills using an inquiry web-based learning environment
M Gómez Domingo
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), 2020
Booktrailer: A resource to promote reading habits and develop digital competence in primary education.
PBT Marta Gómez Domingo
Investigaciones sobre Lectura, 2022
Quina histňria de Catalunya s' aprčn a l'educació primŕria?
M Gómez Domingo
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Articles 1–9