Alonzo Vera
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Cited by
An Introduction to Reconfigurable Systems
JC Lyke, CG Christodoulou, GA Vera, AH Edwards
Proceedings of the IEEE 103 (3), 291-317, 2015
Partial Reconfigurable FIR Filtering System Using Distributed Arithmetic
L Daniel, P Marios, V G Alonzo
International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing 2010, 2010
Partial reconfigurable fir filtering system using distributed arithmetic
D Llamocca, M Pattichis, GA Vera
International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing 2010, 4, 2010
Discrete wavelet transform FPGA design using MatLab/Simulink
U Meyer-Baese, A Vera, A Meyer-Baese, M Pattichis, R Perry
Defense and Security Symposium, 624703-624703-10, 2006
Dose rate upset investigations on the xilinx virtex iv field programmable gate arrays
A Vera, D Llamocca, M Pattichis, W Kemp, W Shedd, D Alexander, J Lyke
The Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, NSREC2007, 2007
Method and architecture for performing scrubbing of an FPGA's configuration memory
GA Vera Rojas, S Ardalan
US Patent 8,332,722, 2012
A dynamic dual fixed-point arithmetic architecture for FPGAs
GA Vera, M Pattichis, J Lyke
International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing 2011, 2011
Total Ionizing Dose Effects on Commercial Electronics for Cube Sats in Low Earth Orbits
R Netzer, K Avery, W Kemp, A Vera, B Zufelt, D Alexander
Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW), 2014 IEEE, 1-7, 2014
A Plug-and-play Approach Based on the I2C Standard
J Mee, F Bruhn, G Chosson, R Lindegren, H Lofgren, J Schulte, S Cannon, ...
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, UT, 8-11, 2010
A Plug-and-play Approach Based on the I2C Standard
J Lyke, J Mee, F Bruhn, G Chosson, R Lindegren, H Lofgren, J Schulte, ...
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, UT, 8-10, 2010
A dynamic arithmetic architecture: precision, power and performance considerations
GA Vera
University of New Mexico, 2008
A dynamically reconfigurable parallel pixel processing system
D Llamocca, M Pattichis, A Vera
Field Programmable Logic and Applications, 2009. FPL 2009. International …, 2009
Integrating reconfigurable logic in the first digital logic course
GA Vera, J Parra, C Kief, M Pattichis, H Pollard
Proc. 9th Intl Conf on Engineering Education, 2006
A dynamically reconfigurable platform for fixed-point FIR filters
D Llamocca, M Pattichis, G Alonzo Vera
Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, 2009. ReConFig'09. International …, 2009
A dynamically reconfigurable computing model for video processing applications
G Alonzo Vera, D Llamocca, MS Pattichis, J Lyke
Signals, Systems and Computers, 2009 Conference Record of the Forty-Third …, 2009
An undergraduate course and laboratory in digital signal processing with field programmable gate arrays
U Meyer-Base, A Vera, A Meyer-Base, MS Pattichis, RJ Perry
Education, IEEE Transactions on 53 (4), 638-645, 2010
An FPGA-based rapid prototyping platform for wavelet coprocessors
A Vera, U Meyer-Baese, M Pattichis
Defense and Security Symposium, 657615-657615-10, 2007
Control design for diagnostic and prognostic of hardware systems
Y Wang, F Benito, GA Vera, M Jamshidi
Fuzzy Systems, 2004. Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International Conference on 1 …, 2004
Scintillation Observations and Response of the Ionoshere to Electrodynamics (SORTIE)
G Crowley, C Fish, M Pilinksi, E Stromberg, C Huang, P Roddy, L Gentile, ...
Fast Local Scrubbing for Field-Programmable Gate Array's Configuration Memory
GA Vera, SH Ardalan, X Yao, K Avery
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 10 (3), 144-153, 2013
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Articles 1–20