Claudia domingues vargas
Claudia domingues vargas
Instituto de biofisica carlos chagas filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
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Motor activation prior to observation of a predicted movement
JM Kilner, C Vargas, S Duval, SJ Blakemore, A Sirigu
Nature neuroscience 7 (12), 1299-1301, 2004
A freezing‐like posture to pictures of mutilation
TM Azevedo, E Volchan, LA Imbiriba, EC Rodrigues, JM Oliveira, ...
Psychophysiology 42 (3), 255-260, 2005
Postural modulation induced by pictures depicting prosocial or dangerous contexts
LD Facchinetti, LA Imbiriba, TM Azevedo, CD Vargas, E Volchan
Neuroscience letters 410 (1), 52-56, 2006
Mapping phantom movement representations in the motor cortex of amputees
C Mercier, KT Reilly, CD Vargas, A Aballea, A Sirigu
Brain 129 (8), 2202-2210, 2006
The influence of hand posture on corticospinal excitability during motor imagery: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study
CD Vargas, E Olivier, L Craighero, L Fadiga, JR Duhamel, A Sirigu
Cerebral cortex 14 (11), 1200-1206, 2004
Role of the parietal cortex in predicting incoming actions
AP Fontana, JM Kilner, EC Rodrigues, M Joffily, N Nighoghossian, ...
Neuroimage 59 (1), 556-564, 2012
Re-emergence of hand-muscle representations in human motor cortex after hand allograft
CD Vargas, A Aballéa, ÉC Rodrigues, KT Reilly, C Mercier, P Petruzzo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (17), 7197-7202, 2009
Kinesthetic motor imagery modulates body sway
EC Rodrigues, T Lemos, B Gouvea, E Volchan, LA Imbiriba, CD Vargas
Neuroscience 169 (2), 743-750, 2010
Modulation of the response to a somatosensory stimulation of the hand during the observation of manual actions
JIA Voisin, EC Rodrigues, S Hétu, PL Jackson, CD Vargas, F Malouin, ...
Experimental brain research 208, 11-19, 2011
Vision without proprioception modulates cortico-spinal excitability during hand motor imagery
C Mercier, A Aballea, CD Vargas, J Paillard, A Sirigu
Cerebral Cortex 18 (2), 272-277, 2008
Biological motion coding in the brain: analysis of visually driven EEG functional networks
D Fraiman, G Saunier, EF Martins, CD Vargas
PLoS One 9 (1), e84612, 2014
Motor imagery in blind subjects: the influence of the previous visual experience
LA Imbiriba, EC Rodrigues, J Magalhães, CD Vargas
Neuroscience letters 400 (1-2), 181-185, 2006
Modulation of tibialis anterior muscle activity changes with upright stance width
T Lemos, LA Imbiriba, CD Vargas, TM Vieira
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 25 (1), 168-174, 2015
Motor planning of goal-directed action is tuned by the emotional valence of the stimulus: a kinematic study
PO Esteves, LAS Oliveira, AA Nogueira-Campos, G Saunier, T Pozzo, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 28780, 2016
Preparing to grasp emotionally laden stimuli
LAS de Oliveira, LA Imbiriba, MM Russo, AA Nogueira-Campos, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45235, 2012
Estímulos emocionais: processamento sensorial e respostas motoras
E Volchan, MG Pereira, L Oliveira, C Vargas, J Mourão-Miranda, ...
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 25, 29-32, 2003
Reduced functional connectivity within the primary motor cortex of patients with brachial plexus injury
D Fraiman, MF Miranda, F Erthal, PF Buur, M Elschot, L Souza, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 12, 277-284, 2016
Corticospinal excitability preceding the grasping of emotion-laden stimuli
AA Nogueira-Campos, LAS de Oliveira, V Della-Maggiore, PO Esteves, ...
PLoS One 9 (4), e94824, 2014
Inference of complex human motion requires internal models of action: behavioral evidence
G Saunier, C Papaxanthis, CD Vargas, T Pozzo
Experimental Brain Research 185, 399-409, 2008
Preparing to caress: a neural signature of social bonding
RR Campagnoli, L Krutman, CD Vargas, I Lobo, JM Oliveira, L Oliveira, ...
Frontiers in psychology 6, 16, 2015
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Articles 1–20