Karen N. Allen
Karen N. Allen
Chair and Professor, Department of Chemistry, Boston University
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Cited by
Construction and analysis of two genome-scale deletion libraries for Bacillus subtilis
BM Koo, G Kritikos, JD Farelli, H Todor, K Tong, H Kimsey, I Wapinski, ...
Cell systems 4 (3), 291-305. e7, 2017
Evolutionary genomics of the HAD superfamily: understanding the structural adaptations and catalytic diversity in a superfamily of phosphoesterases and allied enzymes
AM Burroughs, KN Allen, D Dunaway-Mariano, L Aravind
Journal of molecular biology 361 (5), 1003-1034, 2006
The pentacovalent phosphorus intermediate of a phosphoryl transfer reaction
SD Lahiri, G Zhang, D Dunaway-Mariano, KN Allen
Science 299 (5615), 2067-2071, 2003
Phosphoryl group transfer: evolution of a catalytic scaffold
KN Allen, D Dunaway-Mariano
Trends in biochemical sciences 29 (9), 495-503, 2004
Structural origin of the high affinity of a chemically evolved lanthanide-binding peptide
M Nitz, M Sherawat, KJ Franz, E Peisach, KN Allen, B Imperiali
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 43 (28), 3682-3685, 2004
The enzyme function initiative
JA Gerlt, KN Allen, SC Almo, RN Armstrong, PC Babbitt, JE Cronan, ...
Biochemistry 50 (46), 9950-9962, 2011
The Crystal Structure of Bacillus cereus Phosphonoacetaldehyde Hydrolase:  Insight into Catalysis of Phosphorus Bond Cleavage and Catalytic Diversification within the …
MC Morais, W Zhang, AS Baker, G Zhang, D Dunaway-Mariano, KN Allen
Biochemistry 39 (34), 10385-10396, 2000
Double-lanthanide-binding tags: design, photophysical properties, and NMR applications
LJ Martin, MJ Hähnke, M Nitz, J Wöhnert, NR Silvaggi, KN Allen, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (22), 7106-7113, 2007
Engineering encodable lanthanide-binding tags into loop regions of proteins
K Barthelmes, AM Reynolds, E Peisach, HRA Jonker, NJ DeNunzio, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (4), 808-819, 2011
Panoramic view of a superfamily of phosphatases through substrate profiling
H Huang, C Pandya, C Liu, NF Al-Obaidi, M Wang, L Zheng, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (16), E1974-E1983, 2015
Enzyme promiscuity: engine of evolutionary innovation
C Pandya, JD Farelli, D Dunaway-Mariano, KN Allen
Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (44), 30229-30236, 2014
Structures of Clostridium botulinum Neurotoxin Serotype A Light Chain complexed with small-molecule inhibitors highlight active-site flexibility
NR Silvaggi, GE Boldt, MS Hixon, JP Kennedy, S Tzipori, KD Janda, ...
Chemistry & biology 14 (5), 533-542, 2007
X-ray crystallographic structures of D-xylose isomerase-substrate complexes position the substrate and provide evidence for metal movement during catalysis
A Lavie, KN Allen, GA Petsko, D Ringe
Biochemistry 33 (18), 5469-5480, 1994
Lanthanide-tagged proteins—an illuminating partnership
KN Allen, B Imperiali
Current opinion in chemical biology 14 (2), 247-254, 2010
The 2.1 Å Structure of Torpedo californica Creatine Kinase Complexed with the ADP-Mg2+−NO3-−Creatine Transition-State Analogue Complex,
SD Lahiri, PF Wang, PC Babbitt, MJ McLeish, GL Kenyon, KN Allen
Biochemistry 41 (47), 13861-13867, 2002
Caught in the Act:  The Structure of Phosphorylated β-Phosphoglucomutase from Lactococcus lactis,
SD Lahiri, G Zhang, D Dunaway-Mariano, KN Allen
Biochemistry 41 (26), 8351-8359, 2002
Markers of fitness in a successful enzyme superfamily
KN Allen, D Dunaway-Mariano
Current opinion in structural biology 19 (6), 658-665, 2009
Exploring the structural origins of cryptic sites on proteins
D Beglov, DR Hall, AE Wakefield, L Luo, KN Allen, D Kozakov, A Whitty, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (15), E3416-E3425, 2018
The origin of the electrostatic perturbation in acetoacetate decarboxylase
MC Ho, JF Ménétret, H Tsuruta, KN Allen
Nature 459 (7245), 393-397, 2009
Analysis of the Substrate Specificity Loop of the HAD Superfamily Cap Domain,
SD Lahiri, G Zhang, J Dai, D Dunaway-Mariano, KN Allen
Biochemistry 43 (10), 2812-2820, 2004
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Articles 1–20