André Santos
Cited by
Cited by
Bigorna--A Toolkit for Orthography Migration Challenges.
JJ Almeida, A Santos, A Simões
LREC, 2010
A survey on parallel corpora alignment
A Santos
MI-Star, 2011
The Per-Fide corpus: A new resource for corpus-based terminology, contrastive linguistics and translation studies
JJ Almeida, S Araújo, N Carvalho, I Dias, A Oliveira, A Santos, A Simões
Working with Portuguese Corpora, 177-200, 2014
Applying a text mining framework to the extraction of numerical parameters from scientific literature in the biotechnology domain
A Santos, R Nogueira, A Lourenço
Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal …, 2012
Contributions for building a Corpora-Flow system
A Santos
Universidade do Minho, 2011
Large semantic graph summarization using namespaces
ARSL da Costa, A Santos, JP Leal
11th Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies (SLATE 2022), 2022
Structural alignment of plain text books
A Santos, JJ Almeida, N Carvalho
Eigth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2012), 2012
Narrative Extraction from Semantic Graphs (Short Paper)
D Lystopadskyi, A Santos, JP Leal
12th Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies (SLATE 2023), 2023
Derzis: A Path Aware Linked Data Crawler
AF Santos, JP Leal
Early Findings in Using LLMs to Assess Semantic Relations Strength (Short Paper)
AF dos Santos, JP Leal
13th Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies (SLATE 2024), 4 …, 2024
Summarization of Massive RDF Graphs Using Identifier Classification
AF dos Santos, JP Leal
International Conference on Conceptual Structures, 89-103, 2023
A Game with a Purpose for Building Crowdsourced Semantic Relations Datasets for Named Entities
AF dos Santos, JP Leal
Science and Information Conference, 422-439, 2023
DAOLOT: A Semantic Browser
JB Silva, A Santos, JP Leal
9th Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies (SLATE 2020), 2020
Mining biological parameters from literature: an application to environmental decision support systems
AF dos Santos
Universidade do Minho, 2012
Text::Perfide::Bookcleaner, a Perl module to clean and normalize plain text books.
A Santos, JJ Almeida
Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje …, 2011
AGile, a structured editor, analyzer, metric evaluator, and transformer for Attribute Grammars
A Rocha, A Santos, D Rocha, H Silva, J Mendes, J Freitas, M Coelho, ...
INForum 2010, 2010
Aprender por Projetos com Raspberry Pi
L Santos, A Santos
Tabela de Identificadores CMinus-Resoluçao com DMS
M Regedor, A Santos
Tabela de Identificadores CMinus-Resoluçao com FermaT
M Regedor, A Santos
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Articles 1–19