Carlo Massimo Casciola
Carlo Massimo Casciola
Professor of fluid mechanics, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
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Cassie–Baxter and Wenzel states on a nanostructured surface: phase diagram, metastabilities, and transition mechanism by atomistic free energy calculations
A Giacomello, S Meloni, M Chinappi, CM Casciola
Langmuir 28 (29), 10764-10772, 2012
The sharp-interface limit of the Cahn–Hilliard/Navier–Stokes model for binary fluids
F Magaletti, F Picano, M Chinappi, L Marino, CM Casciola
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 714, 95-126, 2013
Wall accumulation and spatial localization in particle-laden wall flows
G Sardina, P Schlatter, L Brandt, F Picano, CM Casciola
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 699, 50-78, 2012
DNS of wall turbulence: dilute polymers and self-sustaining mechanisms
E De Angelis, CM Casciola, R Piva
Computers & fluids 31 (4-7), 495-507, 2002
Metastable Wetting on Superhydrophobic Surfaces: Continuum and Atomistic Views<? format?> of the Cassie-Baxter–Wenzel Transition
A Giacomello, M Chinappi, S Meloni, CM Casciola
Physical review letters 109 (22), 226102, 2012
Energy cascade and spatial fluxes in wall turbulence
N Marati, CM Casciola, R Piva
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 521, 191-215, 2004
Exact regularized point particle method for multiphase flows in the two-way coupling regime
P Gualtieri, F Picano, G Sardina, CM Casciola
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 773, 520-561, 2015
Paths of energy in turbulent channel flows
A Cimarelli, E De Angelis, CM Casciola
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 715, 436-451, 2013
Laser induced cavitation: Plasma generation and breakdown shockwave
G Sinibaldi, A Occhicone, F Alves Pereira, D Caprini, L Marino, ...
Physics of Fluids 31 (10), 2019
Spatial development of particle-laden turbulent pipe flow
F Picano, G Sardina, CM Casciola
Physics of Fluids 21 (9), 2009
Cascades and wall-normal fluxes in turbulent channel flows
A Cimarelli, E De Angelis, J Jimenez, CM Casciola
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 796, 417-436, 2016
Clustering and turbulence modulation in particle-laden shear flows
P Gualtieri, F Picano, G Sardina, CM Casciola
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 715, 134-162, 2013
Homogeneous isotropic turbulence in dilute polymers
E DE ANGELIS, CM Casciola, R Benzi, R Piva
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 531, 1-10, 2005
Anisotropic clustering of inertial particles in homogeneous shear flow
P Gualtieri, F Picano, CM Casciola
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 629, 25-39, 2009
Scale-by-scale budget and similarity laws for shear turbulence
CM Casciola, P Gualtieri, R Benzi, R Piva
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 476, 105-114, 2003
Intrusion and extrusion of water in hydrophobic nanopores
A Tinti, A Giacomello, Y Grosu, CM Casciola
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (48), E10266-E10273, 2017
Shock wave formation in the collapse of a vapor nanobubble
F Magaletti, L Marino, CM Casciola
Physical Review Letters 114 (6), 064501, 2015
Scaling laws and intermittency in homogeneous shear flow
P Gualtieri, CM Casciola, R Benzi, G Amati, R Piva
Physics of Fluids 14 (2), 583-596, 2002
Drag reduction by polymers in turbulent channel flows: Energy redistribution between invariant empirical modes
E De Angelis, CM Casciola, VS L’vov, R Piva, I Procaccia
Physical Review E 67 (5), 056312, 2003
Drop motion induced by vertical vibrations
P Sartori, D Quagliati, S Varagnolo, M Pierno, G Mistura, F Magaletti, ...
New Journal of Physics 17 (11), 113017, 2015
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Articles 1–20