Luc Schlangen
Luc Schlangen
Senior Scientist (TU/e)
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Blue-enriched white light in the workplace improves self-reported alertness, performance and sleep quality
AU Viola, LM James, LJM Schlangen, DJ Dijk
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 297-306, 2008
The effect of high correlated colour temperature office lighting on employee wellbeing and work performance
PR Mills, SC Tomkins, LJM Schlangen
Journal of circadian rhythms 5 (1), 1-9, 2007
Recommendations for daytime, evening, and nighttime indoor light exposure to best support physiology, sleep, and wakefulness in healthy adults
TM Brown, GC Brainard, C Cajochen, CA Czeisler, JP Hanifin, ...
PLoS Biology 20 (3), e3001571, 2022
A “melanopic” spectral efficiency function predicts the sensitivity of melanopsin photoreceptors to polychromatic lights
J Enezi, V Revell, T Brown, J Wynne, L Schlangen, R Lucas
Journal of Biological Rhythms 26 (4), 314-323, 2011
The spectral composition of evening light and individual differences in the suppression of melatonin and delay of sleep in humans
N Santhi, HC Thorne, DR van der Veen, S Johnsen, SL Mills, V Hommes, ...
Journal of pineal research 53 (1), 47-59, 2012
Blue light exposure reduces objective measures of sleepiness during prolonged nighttime performance testing
J Phipps-Nelson, JR Redman, LJM Schlangen, SMW Rajaratnam
Chronobiology International 26 (5), 891-912, 2009
Liquid behavior inside a reflective display pixel based on electrowetting
T Roques-Carmes, RA Hayes, BJ Feenstra, LJM Schlangen
Journal of Applied Physics 95 (8), 4389-4396, 2004
Low-intensity blue-enriched white light (750 lux) and standard bright light (10 000 lux) are equally effective in treating SAD. A randomized controlled study
Y Meesters, V Dekker, LJM Schlangen, EH Bos, MJ Ruiter
BMC psychiatry 11 (1), 1-8, 2011
Patient room lighting influences on sleep, appraisal and mood in hospitalized people
MC Giménez, LM Geerdinck, M Versteylen, P Leffers, GJBM Meekes, ...
Journal of sleep research 26 (2), 236-246, 2017
Morning sleep inertia in alertness and performance: effect of cognitive domain and white light conditions
N Santhi, JA Groeger, SN Archer, M Gimenez, LJM Schlangen, DJ Dijk
PloS one 8 (11), e79688, 2013
The Lighting Environment, Its Metrology, and Non-visual Responses
LJM Schlangen, LLA Price
Frontiers in Neurology 12, 235, 2021
The influence of light on thermal responses
M Kulve, L Schellen, LJM Schlangen, WD Marken Lichtenbelt
Acta Physiologica 216 (2), 163-185, 2016
Chronic artificial blue-enriched white light is an effective countermeasure to delayed circadian phase and neurobehavioral decrements
RP Najjar, L Wolf, J Taillard, LJM Schlangen, A Salam, C Cajochen, ...
PloS one 9 (7), e102827, 2014
Generation current of charged micelles in nonaqueous liquids: Measurements and simulations
F Strubbe, ARM Verschueren, LJM Schlangen, F Beunis, K Neyts
Journal of colloid and interface science 300 (1), 396-403, 2006
Spectral tuning of white light allows for strong reduction in melatonin suppression without changing illumination level or color temperature
JL Souman, T Borra, I de Goijer, LJM Schlangen, BNS Vlaskamp, ...
Journal of biological rhythms 33 (4), 420-431, 2018
Interactions between the perception of light and temperature
M te Kulve, L Schlangen, W van Marken Lichtenbelt
Indoor air, 2018
Differential impact in young and older individuals of blue-enriched white light on circadian physiology and alertness during sustained wakefulness
V Gabel, CF Reichert, M Maire, C Schmidt, LJM Schlangen, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-13, 2017
A physical model describing the electro-optic behavior of switchable optical elements based on electrowetting
T Roques-Carmes, RA Hayes, LJM Schlangen
Journal of Applied Physics 96 (11), 6267-6271, 2004
The impact of morning light intensity and environmental temperature on body temperatures and alertness
M te Kulve, LJM Schlangen, L Schellen, AJH Frijns, ...
Physiology & behavior 175, 72-81, 2017
Correlated colour temperature of morning light influences alertness and body temperature
M te Kulve, L Schlangen, L Schellen, JL Souman, ...
Physiology & behavior 185, 1-13, 2018
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Articles 1–20