Ronald F. Ziolo
Ronald F. Ziolo
Centro de Investigación en Química Aplicada (CIQA), Universtity of Akron, Universtiy of Colorado
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Cited by
Macroscopic measurement of resonant magnetization tunneling in high-spin molecules
JR Friedman, MP Sarachik, J Tejada, R Ziolo
Physical review letters 76 (20), 3830, 1996
Matrix-mediated synthesis of nanocrystalline γ-Fe2O3: A new optically transparent magnetic material
RF Ziolo, EP Giannelis, BA Weinstein, MP O'Horo, BN Ganguly, ...
Science 257 (5067), 219-223, 1992
Nanoparticle decoration with surfactants: Molecular interactions, assembly, and applications
H Heinz, C Pramanik, O Heinz, Y Ding, RK Mishra, D Marchon, RJ Flatt, ...
Surface Science Reports 72 (1), 1-58, 2017
Chemistry of coordinated azides
Z Dori, RF Ziolo
Chemical Reviews 73 (3), 247-254, 1973
Field tuning of thermally activated magnetic quantum tunnelling in Mn12− Ac molecules
JM Hernandez, XX Zhang, F Luis, J Bartolomé, J Tejada, R Ziolo
Europhysics Letters 35 (4), 301, 1996
Magnetic and optical properties of γ‐Fe2O3 nanocrystals
JK Vassiliou, V Mehrotra, MW Russell, EP Giannelis, RD McMichael, ...
Journal of applied physics 73 (10), 5109-5116, 1993
Synthesis and characterization of novel CoFe2O4–BaTiO3 multiferroic core–shell-type nanostructures
V Corral-Flores, D Bueno-Baques, RF Ziolo
Acta Materialia 58 (3), 764-769, 2010
Evidence for resonant tunneling of magnetization in Mn 12 sacetate complex
JM Hernandez, XX Zhang, F Luis, J Tejada, JR Friedman, MP Sarachik, ...
Physical Review B 55 (9), 5858, 1997
In situ preparation of nanocrystalline γ-Fe2O3 in iron (II) cross-linked alginate gels
E Kroll, FM Winnik, RF Ziolo
Chemistry of materials 8 (8), 1594-1596, 1996
Thermally activated and field-tuned tunneling in Mn 12 Ac studied by ac magnetic susceptibility
F Luis, J Bartolomé, JF Fernández, J Tejada, JM Hernández, XX Zhang, ...
Physical Review B 55 (17), 11448, 1997
Biodistribution of different sized nanoparticles assessed by positron emission tomography: a general strategy for direct activation of metal oxide particles
C Pérez-Campaña, V Gómez-Vallejo, M Puigivila, A Martín, ...
ACS nano 7 (4), 3498-3505, 2013
Quantum tunneling of magnetization in nanostructured materials
J Tejada, RF Ziolo, XX Zhang
Chemistry of materials 8 (8), 1784-1792, 1996
Steps in the hysteresis loops of a high‐spin molecule
JR Friedman, MP Sarachik, J Tejada, J Maciejewski, R Ziolo
Journal of applied physics 79 (8), 6031-6033, 1996
Extraction and STM imaging of spherical giant fullerenes
LD Lamb, DR Huffman, RK Workman, S Howells, T Chen, D Sarid, ...
Science 255 (5050), 1413-1416, 1992
Electrical conductivity studies of undoped solid films of C60/70
J Mort, R Ziolo, M Machonkin, DR Huffman, MI Ferguson
Chemical physics letters 186 (2-3), 284-286, 1991
Crystal structure of vanadyl phthalocyanine, phase II
RF Ziolo, CH Griffiths, JM Troup
Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 2300-2302, 1980
Magnetic properties, relaxation, and quantum tunneling in CoFe 2 O 4 nanoparticles embedded in potassium silicate
XX Zhang, JM Hernandez, J Tejada, RF Ziolo
Physical Review B 54 (6), 4101, 1996
Novel γ-Fe2O3/SiO2 magnetic nanocomposites via sol-gel matrix-mediated synthesis
L Zhang, GC Papaefthymiou, RF Ziolo, JY Ying
Nanostructured Materials 9 (1-8), 185-188, 1997
Photoconductivity in solid films of C60/70
J Mort, K Okumura, M Machonkin, R Ziolo, DR Huffman, MI Ferguson
Chemical physics letters 186 (2-3), 281-283, 1991
Asymmetric Freedericksz transitions from symmetric liquid crystal cells doped with harvested ferroelectric nanoparticles
G Cook, VY Reshetnyak, RF Ziolo, SA Basun, PP Banerjee, DR Evans
Optics Express 18 (16), 17339 - 17345, 2010
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