María C. González Menéndez
María C. González Menéndez
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Cited by
In search of good quality part-time employment
C Fagan, H Norman, M Smith, MCG Menéndez
International Labour Organization, 2014
Women on corporate boards and in top management: European trends and policy
C Fagan, MG Menéndez, SG Ansón
Springer, 2012
Workers’ direct participation at the workplace and job quality in Europe
MC Gonzalez
Journal of European Social Policy 20 (2), 160-168, 2010
Cross-national comparative human resource management and the ideational sphere: A critical review
P Almond, MC Gonzalez Menendez
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25 (18), 2591-2607, 2014
The local in the global: regions, employment systems and multinationals
P Almond, MC Gonzalez, J Lavelle, G Murray
Industrial Relations Journal 48 (2), 115-132, 2017
The Local in the Global: Regions, Employment Systems and Multinationals
P Almond, M Gonzalez Menendez, J Lavelle, G Murray
Industrial Relations Journal 48 (2), 1468-2338, 2017
Spain on the Norwegian pathway: Towards a gender-balanced presence of women on corporate boards
MC González Menéndez, LM González
Women on corporate boards and in top management: European trends and policy …, 2012
Varieties of capitalism: the importance of political and social choices
P Almond, MG Menendez
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 12 (3), 407-425, 2006
Multinationals and regional economies: embedding the regime shoppers?
P Almond, MG Menendez, P Gunnigle, J Lavelle, DL Balbona, ...
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 20 (2), 237-253, 2014
Business Start-Ups and Youth Self-Employment in Spain: A Policy Literature Review
MC González Menéndez, C B.
STYLE Working Papers, CROME, University of Brighton,, 2015
The determinants of workplace direct participation: evidence from a regional survey
MC Gonzalez Menendez
Work, Employment and Society 25 (3), 397-416, 2011
Workers' involvement at the workplace and job quality in Europe
MC González
GBR, 2009
The Multidimensional Impact of Workplace Direct Participation in European Jobs. An Assessment of Theory, Debate and Research
MC Gonzalez
Quality of Work in the European Union: Concept, Data and Debates from a …, 2009
Evaluation of an active labour market programme in a context of high unemployment
C Borra, L Palma, MC González, LF Aguado
Desarrollo y Sociedad, 93-115, 2012
D 7.2–Mapping Patterns of Self-Employment: Secondary Analysis Synthesis Report
J Masso, M Tverdostup, M Sheehan, A McNamara, R Ortlieb, S Weiss, ...
Policy performance and evaluation: Spain
MC González Menéndez, FJ Mato Díaz, R Gutiérrez Palacios, ...
STYLE Working Papers, 2015
Voice across borders: Comparing and explaining the dynamics of participation in a context of change
MG Menéndez, MM Lucio
Handbook of research on employee voice, 381-397, 2014
The changing nature of HRM, organizational change and globalization
P Almond, M González Menéndez, MM Lucio
International human resource management. An employment relations perspective …, 2013
Gestión de recursos humanos: Contexto y políticas
MC González Menéndez, R Gutiérrez Palacios, M Martínez Lucio
Thomson-Civitas, 2011
Worker voice under pressure: Collective workplace representation and the challenge of multiplying spaces and actors
M Martinez Lucio, M González Menéndez
The Transformation of Employment Relations in Europe. Institutions and …, 2013
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Articles 1–20