Aurélien Garivier
Cited by
Cited by
The KL-UCB algorithm for bounded stochastic bandits and beyond
A Garivier, O Cappé
Conference On Learning Theory COLT n°24 (arXiv preprint arXiv:1102.2490 …, 2011
On the complexity of best-arm identification in multi-armed bandit models
E Kaufmann, O Cappé, A Garivier
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (1), 1-42, 2016
On upper-confidence bound policies for switching bandit problems
A Garivier, E Moulines
International conference on algorithmic learning theory, 174-188, 2011
Parametric bandits: The generalized linear case
S Filippi, O Cappe, A Garivier, C Szepesvári
Advances in neural information processing systems 23, 2010
On Bayesian upper confidence bounds for bandit problems
E Kaufmann, O Cappé, A Garivier
Artificial intelligence and statistics, 592-600, 2012
Kullback-Leibler upper confidence bounds for optimal sequential allocation
O Cappé, A Garivier, OA Maillard, R Munos, G Stoltz
Annals of Statistics (and ArXiv:1210.1136) 41 (3), 1516-1541, 2012
Optimal best arm identification with fixed confidence
A Garivier, E Kaufmann
Proceedings of the 29th Conference On Learning Theory 49, 1-30, 2016
On upper-confidence bound policies for non-stationary bandit problems
A Garivier, E Moulines
arXiv preprint arXiv:0805.3415, 2008
Explore first, exploit next: The true shape of regret in bandit problems
A Garivier, P Ménard, G Stoltz
Mathematics of Operations Research 44 (2), 377-399, 2019
Sequential Monte Carlo smoothing for general state space hidden Markov models
R Douc, A Garivier, E Moulines, J Olsson
Optimism in reinforcement learning and Kullback-Leibler divergence
S Filippi, O Cappé, A Garivier
2010 48th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2010
On Explore-Then-Commit Strategies
A Garivier, E Kaufmann, T Lattimore
NIPS 2016, arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.08988, 2016
On the Complexity of A/B Testing
E Kaufmann, O Cappé, A Garivier
JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings 35, 339-355, 2014
An event spacing experiment
AJ Winstanley, A Garivier, MR Greenstreet
Proceedings Eighth International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and …, 2002
A minimax and asymptotically optimal algorithm for stochastic bandits
P Ménard, A Garivier
International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, 223-237, 2017
Coding on countably infinite alphabets
S Boucheron, A Garivier, E Gassiat
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55 (1), 358-373, 2008
Context tree selection: A unifying view
A Garivier, F Leonardi
Stochastic processes and their applications 121 (11), 2488-2506, 2011
Nonasymptotic sequential tests for overlapping hypotheses applied to near-optimal arm identification in bandit models
A Garivier, E Kaufmann
Sequential Analysis 40 (1), 61-96, 2021
KL-UCB-switch: optimal regret bounds for stochastic bandits from both a distribution-dependent and a distribution-free viewpoints
A Garivier, H Hadiji, P Menard, G Stoltz
Journal of Machine Learning Research 23 (179), 1-66, 2022
Consistency of the unlimited BIC context tree estimator
A Garivier
IEEE Transactions on Information theory 52 (10), 4630-4635, 2006
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Articles 1–20