Gabriel Katz
Gabriel Katz
Professor, University of Exeter. Risk Modelling Manager, Virgin Money.
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State capacity and long‐run economic performance
M Dincecco, G Katz
The Economic Journal 126 (590), 189-218, 2014
The impact of new technologies on voter confidence in Latin America: Evidence from e-voting experiments in Argentina and Colombia
RM Alvarez, G Katz, J Pomares
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 8 (2), 199-217, 2011
Correcting for survey misreports using auxiliary information with an application to estimating turnout
JN Katz, G Katz
American Journal of Political Science 54 (3), 815-835, 2010
La calidad de las democracias en América Latina: Informe para IDEA Internacional
L Morlino, G Katz, C Sottilotta, J Rial
International IDEA, 2013
Assessing the impact of alternative voting technologies on multi-party elections: Design features, heuristic processing and voter choice
G Katz, RM Alvarez, E Calvo, M Escolar, J Pomares
Political Behavior 33 (2), 247-270, 2011
A general model of abstention under compulsory voting
G Katz, I Levin
Political Science Research and Methods 6 (3), 489-508, 2018
The dynamics of political support in emerging democracies: evidence from a natural disaster in Peru
G Katz, I Levin
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 28 (2), 173-195, 2016
State capacity and long-run performance
M Dincecco, G Katz
Electoral competitiveness and turnout in British elections, 1964–2010
J Vowles, G Katz, D Stevens
Political Science Research and Methods 5 (4), 775-794, 2017
Assessing voters’ attitudes towards electronic voting in latin america: Evidence from colombia’s 2007 e-voting pilot
RM Alvarez, G Katz, R Llamosa, HE Martinez
E-Voting and Identity: Second International Conference, VOTE-ID 2009 …, 2009
Varieties of political support in emerging democracies: A cross-national analysis
G Katz, I Levin
Social Science Research 70, 55-70, 2018
Structural cleavages, electoral competition and partisan divide: A Bayesian multinomial probit analysis of Chile's 2005 election
RM Alvarez, G Katz
Electoral Studies 28 (2), 177-189, 2009
More than politics: Ability and ideology in the British Appellate Committee
M Iaryczower, G Katz
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 32 (1), 61-93, 2016
Construcción de una Matriz de Contabilidad Social para Uruguay para el año 2000
G Katz, P Barrenechea, H Pastori
Documento de Trabajo/FCS-DE; 20/04, 2004
Intermedia Agenda Setting in Personalized Campaigns: How News Media Influence the Importance of Leaders
DS Susan Banducci, Iulia Cioroianu, Travis Coan, Gabriel Katz
Electoral Studies 54, 281–288, 2018
Political Party Mortality in Established Party Systems: a Hierarchical Competing Risks Approach.
KG Bolleyer Nicole, Correa Vila Patricia
Comparative Political Studies 52 (1), 36-68, 2019
What Qualities of Democracy in Latin America
G Katz, L Morlino
Rome: IDEA Report, 2013
Voting in the Bicameral Congress: Large Majorities as a Signal of Quality
M Iaryczower, G Katz, S Saiegh
The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 29 (5), 957-991, 2013
Policy-based abstention in Brazil's 2002 presidential election
G Katz
Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project, 2009
Endogenous Sanctioning Institutions and Migration Patterns: Experimental Evidence
MS Cobo-Reyes Ramon, Katz Gabriel
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 158, 575-606, 2019
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Articles 1–20