An access control framework for business processes for web services H Koshutanski, F Massacci Proceedings of the 2003 ACM workshop on XML security, 15-24, 2003 | 125 | 2003 |
Modern aspects of cyber-security training and continuous adaptation of programmes to trainees G Hatzivasilis, S Ioannidis, M Smyrlis, G Spanoudakis, F Frati, L Goeke, ... Applied Sciences 10 (16), 5702, 2020 | 94 | 2020 |
Distributed identity management model for digital ecosystems H Koshutanski, M Ion, L Telesca The International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems, and …, 2007 | 48 | 2007 |
Interactive access control for web services H Koshutanski, F Massacci Security and Protection in Information Processing Systems: IFIP 18 th World …, 2004 | 44 | 2004 |
An interactive trust management and negotiation scheme H Koshutanski, F Massacci Formal Aspects in Security and Trust: IFIP TC1 WG1. 7 Workshop on Formal …, 2005 | 35 | 2005 |
Interactive credential negotiation for stateful business processes H Koshutanski, F Massacci Trust Management: Third International Conference, iTrust 2005, Paris, France …, 2005 | 34 | 2005 |
A peer-to-peer multidimensional trust model for digital ecosystems M Ion, A Danzi, H Koshutanski, L Telesca 2008 2nd IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and …, 2008 | 33 | 2008 |
A negotiation scheme for access rights establishment in autonomic communication H Koshutanski, F Massacci Journal of Network and Systems Management 15, 117-136, 2007 | 30 | 2007 |
Fine-grained and history-based access control with trust management for autonomic grid services H Koshutanski, F Martinelli, P Mori, A Vaccarelli International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS'06), 34-34, 2006 | 26 | 2006 |
Enhancing grid security by fine-grained behavioral control and negotiation-based authorization H Koshutanski, A Lazouski, F Martinelli, P Mori International Journal of Information Security 8 (4), 291-314, 2009 | 24 | 2009 |
Interactive access control for autonomic systems: from theory to implementation H Koshutanski, F Massacci ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) 3 (3), 1-31, 2008 | 24 | 2008 |
The threat-arrest cyber range platform G Hatzivasilis, S Ioannidis, M Smyrlis, G Spanoudakis, F Frati, C Braghin, ... 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR …, 2021 | 22 | 2021 |
From web data to entities and back Z Miklós, N Bonvin, P Bouquet, M Catasta, D Cordioli, P Fankhauser, ... Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 22nd International Conference …, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
A Survey on distributed access control systems for web business processes. H Koshutanski Int. J. Netw. Secur. 9 (1), 61-69, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
Security assurance of services through digital security certificates SP Kaluvuri, H Koshutanski, F Di Cerbo, A Mana 2013 IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services, 539-546, 2013 | 17 | 2013 |
Security-enhanced ambient assisted living supporting school activities during hospitalisation P Antón, A Munoz, A Mana, H Koshutanski Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 3, 177-192, 2012 | 16 | 2012 |
A trust negotiation based security framework for service provisioning in load-balancing clusters A Maña, H Koshutanski, EJ Pérez computers & security 31 (1), 4-25, 2012 | 15 | 2012 |
A fine-grained and X. 509-based access control system for Globus H Koshutanski, F Martinelli, P Mori, L Borz, A Vaccarelli On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and …, 2006 | 12 | 2006 |
Live interactive frame technology alleviating children stress and isolation during hospitalization P Antón, A Mana, A Munoz, H Koshutanski Ambient Assisted Living: Third International Workshop, IWAAL 2011, Held at …, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
An access control system for business processes for Web services H Koshutanski, F Massacci Università degli Studi di Trento. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND …, 2002 | 10 | 2002 |