Debraj Ghosh
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Cited by
Efficient characterization of the random eigenvalue problem in a polynomial chaos decomposition
R Ghanem, D Ghosh
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 72 (4), 486-504, 2007
Chirality dependent elastic properties of single-walled boron nitride nanotubes under uniaxial and torsional loading
D Ghosh
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (6), 2014
Analysis of eigenvalues and modal interaction of stochastic systems
D Ghosh, R Ghanem, J Red-Horse
AIAA journal 43 (10), 2196-2201, 2005
Stochastic convergence acceleration through basis enrichment of polynomial chaos expansions
D Ghosh, R Ghanem
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 73 (2), 162-184, 2008
A FETI‐preconditioned conjugate gradient method for large‐scale stochastic finite element problems
D Ghosh, P Avery, C Farhat
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 80 (6‐7), 914-931, 2009
Faster computation of the Karhunen–Loève expansion using its domain independence property
S Pranesh, D Ghosh
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 285, 125-145, 2015
Strain and stress computations in stochastic finite element methods
D Ghosh, C Farhat
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 74 (8), 1219-1239, 2008
Reliability based optimization in aeroelastic stability problems using polynomial chaos based metamodels
A Suryawanshi, D Ghosh
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 53, 1069-1080, 2016
An invariant subspace‐based approach to the random eigenvalue problem of systems with clustered spectrum
D Ghosh, R Ghanem
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 91 (4), 378-396, 2012
Addressing the curse of dimensionality in SSFEM using the dependence of eigenvalues in KL expansion on domain size
S Pranesh, D Ghosh
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 311, 457-475, 2016
Influence of nanofiller agglomeration on fracture properties of polymer nanocomposite: Insights from atomistic simulation
BR Abhiram, D Ghosh
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 290, 109503, 2023
Defect induced plasticity and failure mechanism of boron nitride nanotubes under tension
NM Anoop Krishnan, D Ghosh
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (4), 2014
Adaptive reduced order modeling for nonlinear dynamical systems through a new a posteriori error estimator: Application to uncertainty quantification
M Nurtaj Hossain, D Ghosh
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 121 (15), 3417-3441, 2020
Application of the random eigenvalue problem in forced response analysis of a linear stochastic structure
D Ghosh
Archive of Applied Mechanics 83, 1341-1357, 2013
Wind speed prediction using spatio-temporal covariance
A Suryawanshi, D Ghosh
Natural Hazards 75, 1435-1449, 2015
Buckling analysis of cylindrical thin-shells using strain gradient elasticity theory
NMA Krishnan, D Ghosh
Meccanica 52 (6), 1369-1379, 2017
Applicability of the spectral stochastic finite element method in time-dependent uncertain problems
D Ghosh, G Iaccarino
Annual Research Briefs of Center for Turbulence Research, 133-141, 2007
A new algorithm for solving the random eigenvalue problem using polynomial chaos expansion
D Ghosh, R Ghanem
46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials …, 2005
Atomic investigation on optimal interfacial bonding for enhanced fracture properties in polymer nanocomposites
BR Abhiram, D Ghosh
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 281, 109078, 2023
Cost reduction of stochastic Galerkin method by adaptive identification of significant polynomial chaos bases for elliptic equations
S Pranesh, D Ghosh
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 340, 54-69, 2018
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Articles 1–20